1.3 Continuous mapping and function

Definition 1.3.1 A mapping f:ERp(ERm) is continuous at x0E if for any ϵ>0, there exists δϵ>0 such that for any xE subjecting to xx0<δϵ, f(x)f(x0)<ϵ.

Theorem 1.3.2 A mapping f:ERp(ERm) is continuous at x0E is equivalent to that for any xnE, limn+xn=x0limn+f(xn)=f(x0).

Note When n+, xnx00, f(xn)f(x0)0. The continuity has nothing to do with the selection of the norm.

Theorem 1.3.3 If KRm is a bounded closed set, f is continuous on K meaning f is continuous at any x0K, then f(K)Rp is also bounded closed. Particularly, if p=1, f has the maximum and minimum on K.

Proof For any ynf(K), there exists xnK such that yn=f(xn). Given K is bounded closed, so there exists a convergent subsequence {xnk} of {xn} such that limk+xnk=x0K. f is continuous at x0K, so limk+ynk=limk+f(xnk)=f(x0)f(K). So f(K) is bounded closed.

When p=1, f(K)R is bounded closed. Let β=supf(K) and α=inff(K). α,β cound be approached by sequences in the set f(K). Since f(K) is closed, so α,βf(K), so β=maxf(K) and α=minf(K).

Definition 1.3.4 A set ERm is a path-connected set if for any a,bE, there exists a continuous mapping x:[0,1]Rm such that x(0)=a,x(0)=b and for any t[0,1], x(t)E.

Theorem 1.3.5 If ERm is a path-connected set, f is continuous on E, then f(E)Rp is also path-connected. Particularly, if p=1, f(E) is a interval with intermediate value theorem.

Example 1.3.1 Continuous mappings and functions.

Theorem 1.3.6 Assuming f:ERp is continuous at x0E and g:ERq is continuous at f(x0)=y0F, then gf:(Ef1(F))Rq is continuous.

Theorem 1.3.7 Given f:ERp, ERm,

f(x1,...,xm ) = ∖left(∖right)

then f is continuous at x0E for any k, fk:ER is continuous at x0.

Proof Hint. |fk(x)fk(x0)|fk(x)fk(x0)i=1p|fi(x)fi(x0)|

Example 1.3.2 If arbitrarily fixing one or more variable(s) will get a continuous function, does it mean the original function is continuous? No! See the example below.

Example 1.3.3 Is f(x,y)={xyx2+y2(x,y)(0,0)A(x,y)=(0,0) continuous?

Fix y0, f(x,y)=fy(x)=xyx2+y2 is continuous with respect to x. Fix y=0, f(x,0)={0x0Ax=0, it’s continuous when A=0. Similar when fixing x. So when A=0, fixing any variable will get a continuous function.

Now consider the continuity of binary f(x,y). When (x0,y0)(0,0), since x02+y02>0, according to the composition rule f(x,y) is continuous.

Now consider (x,y)=(0,0). Select a continuous curve (x(t),y(t)) with respect to t and limt=0(x(t),y(t))=(0,0), if limt=0f(x(t),y(t))A or even doesn’t exist, then f is not continuous at (x,y)=(0,0). Given f(t,αt)=α1+α2; when α=0, f(t,0)=0; when α=1, f(t,t)=12. f(tcos1t,tsin1t)=12sin2t oscillates. So f is not continuous whatever A is.

Another example is f(x,y)={x2yx4+y2(x,y)(0,0)0(x,y)=(0,0). Even though f(t,αt)=αtα2+t20 for any α when t0, we can select other strange curves x(t),y(t) going to (0,0) yet limf(x(t),y(t)) doesn’t exist.

Example 1.3.4 Application. Assuming a linear mapping A:RnRn is symmetric, meaning for any x,y, Ax,y=x,Ay, prove that there exists a series of identity orthogonal bases v1,...,vnRn and a series of eigenvalues λ1,...,λn such that Avk=λkvk.

Proof Let K={vRn|v=1}. K is bounded (v=1) and closed (the norm function is continuous). f(v)=Av,v is continuous with respect to v, so f has maximum point v1 on K. Arbitrarily select an identity vector wv1, let u(θ)=cosθv1+sinθwK and u=u,u=1. So f(u(θ))=A(cosθv1+sinθw),cosθv1+sinθw=cos2θAv1,v1+sin2θAw,w+cosθsinθ(Av1,w+Aw,v1)=(1+o(θ))Av1,v1+o(θ)Aw,w+(θ+o(θ))(Av1,w+Aw,v1)=g(θ)

g(θ) is derivable and takes the maximum when θ=0, so g(0)=0Av1,w=0, so Av1 is perpendicular to all vectors which is perpendicular to v1, meaning that Av1{v1}, so there exists λ1 such that Av1=λ1v1.

It is to be proved that V1={v1}={w|wv1} is invariant under A. For any wV1, Aw,v1=w,Av1=w,λ1v1=0, So AV1V1.

Then the spectral decomposition is proved by mathematical induction.