4.7 Rotation and divergence of vector field

Recall Green formula on the plain (flux – divergence). Assuming F=(X,Y)T, ΩR2 is bounded and Ω is piecewisely of C1, then

∫            ∫
    F ⋅ ndl =   div Fdxdy
 ∂Ω            Ω

Theorem 4.7.1 (Gauss formula in physical form) Assuming ΩR3 is a bounded closed domain, Ω is a surface piecewisely of C1, n is the unit outer norm vector on Ω. Given

F  =: Ω →  ℝ3

is of C1, then

∫             ∫

    F ⋅ nd σ =   div Fdxdydz
 ∂Ω             Ω


        ∂X     ∂Y    ∂Z       ∂(X, Y,Z )
divF  = ----+  ----+ ----= tr -----------= ∇ ⋅ F
        ∂x     ∂y    ∂z       ∂ (x, y,z)

See Figure 4.10 for the geometric meaning of Gauss formula. Another meaning of Gauss formula is: take a small ball B(P0,ϵ) at P0Ω, then we have
                    1     ∫
div F(P0 ) = lim ----------        F ⋅ nd σ
             𝜖→0 |B (P0,𝜖)| ∂B (P0,𝜖)
Figure 4.10: Geometric meaning of Gauss formula

Assuming the form of second-order derivative corresponding with Fndσ is ω=Xdydz+Ydzdx+Zdxdy, then the exterior differential is

dω = dX  ∧ dy ∧ dz + dY  ∧ dz ∧ dx + dZ  ∧ dx ∧ dy


      ∂X       ∂X       ∂X
dX  = ----dx + ----dy + ----dz
       ∂x       ∂y       ∂z

we have dω=Xxdxdydz+Yydydzdx+Zzdzdxdy=(Xx+Yy+Zz)dxdydz=(Xx+Yy+Zz)dxdydz

where dxdydz=dxdydz is due to the natural positive direction of the space (outer norm vector). So another form of Gauss formula is

Theorem 4.7.2 (Gauss formula in mathematical form) Ωω=Ωdω.

Many formulas has the form above.

Recall the circulation – rotation form of Green formula.

∮           ∮             ∫             ∫           ∫

    F ⋅ dl =    F ⋅ Tdl =    rotFd σ =     ∇ × F  =    ∇ ×  Fdxdy
 ∂D          ∂D            D             D           D

Written in the form of derivative, we have

∮                 ∫
                            ∂Y--  ∂X--
 ∂D X◟dx--+◝◜Y-dy◞ =   D ∖lef t(∂x − ∂y  ∖right)dx ∧ dy
         ω           ◟ -------------◝◜-------------◞

Theorem 4.7.3 (Stokes formula in physical form)

∮           ∫               ∫

   F  ⋅ dl =   rot F ⋅ nd σ =   (∇  × F ) ⋅ nd σ
 ∂Σ          Σ               Σ

Theorem 4.7.4 (Stokes formula in mathematical form) ΣXdx+Ydy+Zdzω=Σ(ZyYz)dydz+(XzZx)dzdx+(YxXy)dxdydω

Theorem 4.7.5 (General Stokes formula)

∫       ∫
    ω =    dω
 ∂Σ       Σ