3.2 General integral depending on a parameter

General integral depending on a parameter.

What we’re interested are integrals like

F(y ) =      f(x, y)dx

Definition 3.2.1 a+f(x,y)dx is uniformly convergent with respect to yU if

  • yU, F(y)R such that ϵ>0, N(ϵ,y)>a such that A>N(ϵ,y),

          ∫ A
∖left|    f(x, y)dx − F (y)∖right| < 𝜖

    i.e. a+f(x,y)dx is pointwisely convergent with respect to y for any yU.

  • It is uniformly convergent with respect to y, N(ϵ,y) mentioned above has nothing to do with y, i.e. ϵ>0, N(ϵ)>a such that yU, A>N(ϵ), F(y)R such that

          ∫ A
∖left|    f(x, y)dx − F (y)∖right| < 𝜖

Continuity. Consider |F(y)F(y0)|=|a+f(x,y)dxa+f(x,y0)dx|a+|f(x,y)f(x,y0)|dxa+ϵdx=?

For general integrals, we cannot avoid discussing its convergence.

Theorem 3.2.2 Assuming f:[a,+)×UR where URn satisfies

  • F(y)=a+f(x,y)dx is uniformly convergent on U with respect to y.
  • xa, f(x,y) is continuous at y0 with respect to y, and is uniformly continuous on any bounded closed interval [a,b] with respect to x, i.e. ϵ>0, δ(ϵ,[a,b])>0 such that x[a,b] and yU,

    ∥y − y0∥ < δ ⇒  |f(x,y) − f(x, y0)| < 𝜖

Then F is continuous at y0.

Proof ϵ>0, N(ϵ)>a such that yU,

        N (𝜖)
∖left|      f (x, y)dx − F (y)∖right| < 𝜖

For [a,N(ϵ)], δ(ϵ)>0 such that x[a,N(ϵ)] and yU,

∥y − y0 ∥ < δ(𝜖) ⇒ |f(x,y ) − f (x,y0)| <---------
                                         N (𝜖) − a

Then we have |F(y)F(y0)||F(y)aN(ϵ)f(x,y)dx|+|aN(ϵ)f(x,y)dxaN(ϵ)f(x,y0)dx|+|aN(ϵ)f(x,y0)dxF(y0)|ϵ+aN(ϵ)|f(x,y)f(x,y0)|dx+ϵ,yy0<δ(ϵ)3ϵ

Hence, F is continuous at y0.


Theorem 3.2.3 Given y0U where URn is an open set. Assuming f:[a,+)×UR satisfies

  • a+f(x,y0)dx is convergent.
  • 1kn, fyk(x,y) is continuous with respect to (x,y) and a+fyk(x,y)dx is uniformly convergent with respect to yU.

Then in a certain neighborhood V of y0, a+f(x,y)dx is uniformly convergent and of C1 with respect to yV, and 1kn, the order of the derivative and the general integral could be exchanged, i.e.

    ∫                 ∫
 ∂     +∞                +∞  ∂f
----      f(x, y)dx =       ----(x,y)dx
∂yk   a                 a   ∂yk

Proof Mark F(y)=a+f(x,y)dx,FA(y)=aAf(x,y)dxGk(y)=a+fyk(x,y)dx,GA,k(y)=aAfyk(x,y)dx

Here the existence of F(y) is unknown except F(y0)! Target:

                       ∫ t
F (y0 + tek) − F(y0) −    Gk (y0 + sek)ds =?0

Since the existence of the first term is unknown, we consider I=|FA(y0+tek)F(y0)0tGk(y0+sek)ds|ProveA+0|FA(y0+tek)FA(y0)0tGk(y0+sek)ds|+|FA(y0)F(y0)|0t|FAyk(y0+sek)Gk(y0+sek)|ds+|FA(y0)F(y0)|=0t|aAfyk(x,y0+sek)dxa+fyk(x,y0+sek)dx|ds+|FA(y0)F(y0)|

Notice that ϵ>0, N(ϵ)>a such that A>N(ϵ), yU, |aAfyk(x,y)dxa+fyk(x,y)dx|<ϵ|aAf(x,y0)dxa+f(x,y0)dx|<ϵ

Therefore, we have

    ∫  t
I ≤     𝜖ds + 𝜖 = 𝜖(1 + |t|) ≤ 𝜖(1 + δ0)

where δ0 is only related to y0. Terminally

                                t                            A→+ ∞
∖left|FA (y0 +  tek) − F (y0) −    Gk (y0 + sek)ds∖right| −−Un−i−fo−r−m w−.−r−.t−. |t−|<−→δ0 0


∫                        ∫                 ∫        ∫
   +∞                      +∞                 t        +∞ -∂f-
      f(x,y0 + tek)dx =       f (x,y0)dx +     ∖lef t[     ∂y  (x,y0 + sek)dx ∖right ]ds
 a                        a                  0        a      k

and it’s uniformly convergent with respect to |t|<δ0, meaning we could do the derivative and |t|<δ0,

   ∫ + ∞                    ∫ +∞
-d-                               ∂f--
dt  a    f(x,y0 + tek)dx =   a    ∂yk(x,y0 + tek)dx

When t=0, we have

         ∫                            ∫
-∂--        +∞                          + ∞ ∂f--
∂y ∖left.      f(x,y )dx∖right|y=y0 =       ∂y  (x,y0)dx
  k        a                           a      k

The selection of ek is arbitrary, and the conditions of binary continuous and uniformly convergent guarantee the step-by-step move of y, meaning yka+f(x,y)dx is continuous with respect to y (C1 proved).


Theorem 3.2.4 Assuming f:[c,+)×[a,b]R is continuous, c+f(x,y)dx is uniformly convergent with respect to y[a,b], then c+dxabf(x,y)dy is convergent, and

∫  +∞    ∫ b            ∫  b   ∫ +∞
      dx    f (x,y)dy =     dy      f (x,y)dx
  c       a               a     c

Proof ϵ>0, N(ϵ)>c such that D>C>N(ϵ), y[a,b], |CDf(x,y)dx|<ϵ. Consider I=|CD(abf(x,y)dy)dx|=|ab(CDf(x,y)dx)dy|ab|CDf(x,y)dx|dyϵ(ba)


∫ u      ∫  b                     ∫  v      ∫ u
   ∖lef t(    f(x,y)dy ∖right)dx =     ∖left(    f(x,y)dx ∖right)dy
 c         a                        a        c

Let u+, left-handed side is the definition of general integral; as for the right-handed side,

      ∫ b      ∫ u                      ∫  b            ∫ u                      ∫ b      ∫ + ∞
 lim      ∖left(    f(x,y)dx ∖right)dy ?=     ∖left( lim      f (x, y)dx∖right )dy =     ∖lef t(      f(x,y)dx ∖right)dy
u→+ ∞  a        c                         a       u→+ ∞  c                        a        c


∫ +∞       ∫  b                     ∫  v      ∫ +∞
     ∖lef t(    f(x,y)dy ∖right)dx =     ∖left(      f(x,y)dx ∖right)dy
 c           a                        a        c

Why (?) is true? It could be regarded as a kind of continuity, let t=1u to get the result.

Theorem 3.2.5 Assuming f:[c,+)×[a,+)R is continuous, c+f(x,y)dx and a+f(x,y)dy are both uniformly convergent, then for the equality below

∫ +∞       ∫  +∞                      ∫  +∞       ∫ + ∞
     ∖lef t(      f(x,y )dx ∖right)dy =       ∖left(      f(x,y)dy ∖right)dx
 a          c                           c          a

If at least one side of the equality exists, then both sides exist and they are equivalent.

Proof is left as exercise. :)