4.5 Curve integral of the second kind

Definition 4.5.1 Directional curve (path). Given x:[a,b]Ω (a kind of motion), x(t) represents the position (t is the time), γ={x(t)|t[a,b]}.

Note x(t) is not a parametric representative of γ! Curve γ is a static geometric object, while path x(t) is a dynamic motion (meaning it could turn back along γ).

Example 4.5.1 Work done by force. F(x):ΩRm (continuous) is a vector field where x represents the position. Work

      ∫          ∫  b          ′        ∫           x ′(t)           ′        ∫
W  =    F ⋅ dx =    ⟨F (x(t)),x (t)⟩dt =    ∖lef t⟨F, ---′---∖right ⟩∥x (t)∥dt =   ⟨F, T ⟩dl
       γ           a                     γ         ∥x (t)∥                    γ

where T(x) represents a forward-direction unit tangent vector field of γ.

Flow velocity field F (continuous). Assuming T(x) represents a forward-direction unit tangent vector field of closed curve γ, then the circulation is

  ⟨F(x ),T(x )⟩dl


F (x) =,     x(t) =,a ≤  t ≤ b

Then we have

∫             ∫          ∫  b                                        ∫
                                      ′                     ′
  γ⟨F, T ⟩dl =  γ F ⋅ dx =  a [F1(x (t))x1(t) + ⋅⋅⋅ + Fm (x(t))x m(t)]dt = γ ω

where ω=F1(x)dx1++Fm(x)dxm has the form of first-order derivative.

Example 4.5.2 Assuming γ is a simple closed curve in plain (boundary of plain), N(x) represents a forward-direction unit outer-norm vector field of γ, then the flux is


 γ⟨F(x ),N (x )⟩dl

The relation between circulation and flux. Assuming the norm vector k of the plain (direction determined by the forward direction of γ and right-hand rule), then construct F~=k×F where F~ is derived by rotating F by 90 counterclockwise. Since N=T×k, naturally we have

∫             ∫                 ∫                ∫
   ⟨F, N ⟩dl =   ⟨F, T × k ⟩dl =   ⟨k × F, T⟩dl =   ⟨F˜, T ⟩dl
  γ            γ                 γ                γ


      (x′,y ′)          (y′,− x′)
T =  ---′--′--⇒  N  = ---′--′--,    F  =
     ∥(x,y )∥         ∥(x ,y )∥

then we have

∫             ∫                                   ∫
                b          ′             ′
   ⟨F,N ⟩dl =    [X (x(t))y(t) − Y(x (t))x (t)]dt =   (− Y dx + Xdy  )
  γ            a                                   γ

It also has a form of first-order derivative.

Example 4.5.3 Assuming

γ :

and its direction is determined by right-hand rule circling around +z axis. Seek γzdx+xdy+ydz.

Firstly, seek the parametric equation of γ. Eliminate z by z=xy to get x2+y2+(xy)2=R2, so

          y        2  3  2   R2
∖left(x + -∖right ) + --y  = ---
          2           4       2

Let (x+y2,32y)=R2(cosθ,sinθ), then z=xy=.

Then on γ, we have ω=(xy)dx+xdy+yd(xy)=xdx2ydx+xdyydy=d(x22y22+xy)3ydxω=γd(x22y22+xy)0 due to the closure of γγ3ydx=3γydx

Then it’s left as exercise. :)

Example 4.5.4 Assuming γ is a simple closed (Jordan) oriented (counterclockwise, natural positive direction) plain curve of C1, then

∫           ∫          ∫
   − ydx =    xdy  = 1-   xdy − ydx =  A(γ )
  γ          γ       2  γ

where A(γ) represents the area of closed domain bounded with γ.

Assuming (x(t),y(t))=(r(t)cosθ(t),r(t)sinθ(t)),t[a,b] where (x(a),y(a))=(x(b),y(b)), then we have

∫        ∫        ∫
  xdy +    ydx  =    d(xy) = x(t)y(t)|a = 0
 γ        γ        γ

Notice that 12(xdyydx)=12r(t)cosθ(t)d(r(t)sinθ(t))12r(t)sinθ(t)d(r(t)cosθ(t))=r2(t)θ(t)γ12(xdyydx)=12abr2(t)θ(t)dt

So the former 2 equalities are proved.

Assuming θ(t)0, then θ(t) has inverse function t(θ), we have

∫                    ∫                 ∫             ∫   ∫
   1               1   b 2           1   b 2           2π  r(𝜃)
   -(xdy − ydx ) = --   r (t(𝜃))d𝜃 = --   r (𝜃)d𝜃 =            rdrd𝜃 = A (γ)
 γ 2               2  a              2  a             0   0

Theorem is proved.

Definition 4.5.2 F:ΩRm is a field with potential if f:ΩR such that xΩ, F(x)=f(x). f is called a potential function of F.

Theorem 4.5.3 For any path γ (starting from A, ending at B) of C1 in Ω, we have

   ∇f  ⋅ dx = f (B) − f(A )


F ==  ∇f  =

then we have

                                   ∂f              ∂f
ω = F1 (x )dx1 + ⋅⋅⋅ + Fm (x)dxm =  ---dx1 +  ⋅⋅⋅ +----dxm  =  df
                                   ∂x1            ∂xm

where ω is called the total differential of f. Then γdf=f|AB (Newton-Leibniz formula).

Definition 4.5.4 If the integral of a vector field on any path only relates to the starting point and the destination, i.e. it has nothing to do with the path itself, then the vector field is conservative.

Corollary 4.5.5 Field with potential is conservative.

Theorem 4.5.6 Assuming ωRm is a connected open set (domain), then any conservative field on Ω has potential function.

Proof Mark F as the conservative field, assuming γ is a path from A0 to B(x). Mark f(x)=γFdx, it is to be proven that fx1=F1(x).

Notice that f(x+te1)f(x)=0tF(x+se1)dds(x+se1)ds=0tF(x+se1)e1ds=0tF1(x+se1)dsfx1(x)=ddtf(x+te1)|t=0=F1(x+te1)|t=0=F1(x)

Repeat this process, we can get that f=F.

Example 4.5.5 Assuming F(x)=xx3, seek its potential function.

Notice that

ω = − --x1-dx1 − ⋅⋅⋅ − -xm--dxm =  − d(∥x∥--)=  − d∥x∥-=  d--1--
      ∥x ∥3            ∥x ∥3          2∥x∥3       ∥x∥2     ∥x ∥2

hence f(x)=1x+C.

Example 4.5.6 Seek

     y                y
   (e  + sinx )dx + (xe −  cosy)dy

where γ is part of (xπ)2+y2=π2, circling from (0,0) to (π,π) in counterclockwise direction.

Notice that

ω =  d(− cosx − sin y + xey)


   ω = (−  cos x − sin y + xey)|(π,π)=  ⋅⋅⋅
  γ                           (0,0)

Example 4.5.7 Seek

  (x2 − yz)dx + (y2 − zx )dy +  (z2 − xy )dz

where γ:x=acost,y=asint,z=bt, t[0,2π], a,b>0.

Notice that

ω =  d∖left(     3       − xyz ∖right)


                   x3-+-y3 +-z3                    2π
   ω = ∖left.∖left(     3      −  xyz∖right)∖right |t=0 = ⋅⋅⋅
Assuming ω=F1(x)dx1++Fm(x)dxm=df (F=f), then Fi=fi. Assuming fC2, we have 2fxjxi=2fxixj.

Definition 4.5.7 Assuming F is a vector field. If

∂Fi-   ∂Fj-
∂x   = ∂x  ,     ∀1 ≤ i < j ≤ m
   j      i

then F is irrotational.

Corollary 4.5.8 Conservative field is irrotational.

Example 4.5.8 Irrotational may not be conservative. Assuming F=(yx2+y2,xx2+y2)T is defined on R2{0,0}, it is trivial that it is irrotational since

-∂-      --−-y---          ∂--      --x-----
∂y ∖left(x2 + y2∖right ) = ∂x∖lef t( x2 + y2∖right)

Yet after transformation (x,y)(r,θ),

∫           ∫ 2π
       ω =      d𝜃 =  2π ⁄= 0
 ∂B(0,a)      0

In fact, the integral reflects the geometric property of γ – how many turns does γ circle around the origin by.

Assuming θ=arctanyx where π2<θ<π2, then

         y-   − ydx-+-xdy-                        y-
d arctan x =    x2 + y2   =  ω,     ∇ ∖lef t(arctan x ∖right) = F

Since we can’t define a singular-value continuous function θ:R2R, so the vector field above is not conservative! If the domain of definition Ω:R2{(x,0)|x0}, then the vector field is conservative. It relates to the topological structure of the domain.

Plain vector field.

Definition 4.5.9 Assuming F=(X,Y)T is a vector field of C1, mark

        ∂Y     ∂X               ∂X    ∂Y
rotF  = ----−  ---,     div F =  ----+ ----
        ∂x     ∂y               ∂x     ∂x

respectively as the rotation and divergence of F.

Theorem 4.5.10 (Green formula in physical form) Assuming ΩR2 is a bounded closed domain, Ω is piecewisely of C1, F:ΩR2 is a vector field of C1, then





where the forward direction of Ω is the natual positive direction.

Mark =(x,y,z), we could mark
rot F = ∇  × F,     div F = ∇  ⋅ F

Notice that

divF =  tr ∂(X,-Y-)

indicating that the divergence has nothing to do with the selection of the coordinate system, since the similarity transformation of a matrix doesn’t change its trace.

Definition 4.5.11 Wedge (exterior) product. Define a formal product dxdy satisfying

  • Binary linearity.

    (adx  +  bdx ) ∧ dy = adx  ∧ dy + bdx  ∧ dy
     1      2             1           2
  • Anti-symmetry.

    dx ∧ dy =  − dy ∧ dx

It is trivial that dxdx=0. Actually, dxdy represents a oriented area, yet dxdy represents a non-oriented area. When moving forward along Ω, the outside of Ω is on the right, i.e. the forward direction of Ω is the natual positive direction, we have dxdy=dxdy.

Definition 4.5.12 Exterior differential. Assuming a form of first-order derivative ω=Xdx+Ydy, define

dω = dX  ∧ dx +  dY ∧ dy =  ∖lef t(∂Y--− ∂X--∖right)dx ∧ dy
                                  ∂x    ∂y

Then the third form of Green formula is

Theorem 4.5.13 (Green formula in mathematical form) Ωω=Ωdω.

Notice that
⟨F, n⟩dl = − Y dx + XdY   = ˜ω

so we have

            ∂X    ∂Y
d˜ω = ∖lef t(∂x--+ -∂y-∖right)dx ∧ dy

verifying the second form of Green formula.

Note The physical meaning of divergence. Assuming F is a vector field of C1, Ω(ϵ)=B(P0,ϵ), then we have

                   ∫                       ∫
divF (P0) = lim  -1--  div Fdxdy  = lim -1--   ⟨F, n⟩dl
            𝜖→0 π𝜖2  Ω             𝜖→0 π𝜖2  ∂Ω


Corollary 4.5.14 If ΩR2 is a single-connected domain, i.e. any continuous closed loop in Ω could become a single point after continuous transformation in Ω, then any irrotational vector field of C1 on Ω is conservative.

Proof Assuming DΩ, γ=D is a closed loop, then we have

∫      ∫           ∫

   ω =    F ⋅ dx =    rotFdxdy  =  0
 γ      γ           D

meaning F is conservative.

Example 4.5.9 Prove

∫           ∫        1 ∫
   − ydx =    xdy  = --   xdy − ydx =  A(γ )
  γ          γ       2  γ

with Green formula.

Assuming ω1=ydx, then we have

∫      ∫         ∫                 ∫             ∫
  ω  =     dω  =    (− 1)dy ∧ dx =    dx ∧ dy =     dxdy =  A(γ )
 γ  1    D   1    D                 D             D

Then it’s left as exercise. :)

Example 4.5.10 Assuming γ:x2a2+y2b2=1(y0) from A(a,0) to B(a,0), seek

  (1 + yex)dx + (x + ex)dy

Let γ:{(x,0)|axa} from B to A, γ1=γγ is a closed loop. Notice that

    ∫          x   ∫                x B   ∫         ∫                π
I =   d (x + ye ) +   xdy =  (x + ye )A +    xdy −     xdy =  − 2a + -ab
     γ               γ                     γ1       ◟γ′◝◜--◞          2