5.4 Power series

Define x0=1, then n=0+anxn (or n=0+an(xx0)n) is called a power series.

Lemma 5.4.1

  • Assuming n=0+anx0n is convergent, then 0r<|x0|, n=1+anxn is uniformly absolutely convergent on {xC||x|<r}.
  • Assuming n=0+anx0n is convergent, then n=0+an(tx0)n is uniformly convergent with respect to t[0,1].
  • Assuming n=0+anx0n is divergent, then n=1+anxn is divergent on {xC||x|>|x0|}.



|anxn||an|rn=|anx0n|(r|x0|)nM(r|x0|)n. Since n=0+(r|x0|)n is convergent, according to Weierstrass’s test, n=0+anxn is uniformly absolutely convergent.


n=0+anx0ntn, n=0+anx0n is convergent and uniform with respect to t[0,1], tn is monotonously non-increasing with repect to n and uniformly bounded with respect to t[0,1], according to Abel’s test, the original series is uniformly convergent with respect to t[0,1].


Proved by contradiction and 1.

Radius of convergence.

Definition 5.4.2 Radius of convergence: R=sup{|x||n=0+anxn C.V.}

Domain of convergence: {x|n=0+anxn C.V.}

For R, we have interval of convergence: (R,R).

Theorem 5.4.3 Assuming R is the radius of convergence of n=0+anxn, then


Cauchy’s test. R=(lim supn+|an|n)1 where lim supn+an=limN+supnNan.


n=0+anxn is internally-closed uniformly absolutely convergent on {xC||x|<R}, the sum function S is continuous on {xC||x|<R}.


Assuming n=0+anx0n is convergent, |x0|=R, then the sum function of n=0+an(tx0)n is continuous on [0,1].


Assuming R>0, then the radius of convergence of n=0+ann+1xn+1 is still R. Assuming n=0+anx0n is convergent, then 0x0n=0+anxndx=n=0+anx0n+1n+1 where 0x0 should be a segment.


Assuming R>0, then the radius of convergence of n=1+nanxn1 is still R, and |x|<R, (n=0+anxn)=n=1+nanxn1 Therefore, assuming S(x)=n=0+anxn(|x|<R), then SC and k1, S(k)(x)=(n=0+anxn)(k)=n=k+ann(n1)(nk+1)xnk and S(k)(0)=k!ak, meaning the original power series is exactly the Taylor (Maclaurin) series of S.

Example 5.4.1 expx=n=0+xnn!. Evaluate the radius of convergence. When x0, limn+|xn+1(n+1)!||xnn!|=limn+|x|n+1=0<1 So xC, expx is convergent, meaning the domain of convergence is C and the radius of convergence is R=+.

Evaluate expx. Notice that (expx)=n=1+(xnn!)=n=1+xn1(n1)!=expx,xR So expx is the solution to {y=yy(0)=1 Since ex is also the solution to the equation above, according to the uniqueness of the solution, we have expx=ex,xR.

Similarly, we could prove that S(x)=n=0+(1)nx2n+1(2n+1)!=sinx,C(x)=n=0+(1)nx2n(2n)!=cosx,xR After simple observation we could get famous Euler formula: eix=cosx+isinx.

Example 5.4.2 Evaluate 01xxdx=01exlnxdx.

According to the uniform convergence of exp, we have I=01n=0+(xlnx)nn!dx=n=0+1n!01xn(lnx)ndx=n=0+1(n+1)!01(lnx)ndxn+1=n=0+1(n+1)![xn+1(lnx)n|01n01xn(lnx)n1dx]=n=0+(1)n(n+1)n+1

Example 5.4.3 Seek the power series of (1+x)α=n=0+anxn.

Notice that y=(1+x)α is the solution to {(1+x)y=αyy(0)=1 Assuming S(x)=n=0+anxn is the solution to the equation above, then a0=1, and (1+x)(n=1+nanxn1)=αn=0+anxn(n+1)an+1+nan=αan Therefore, we get a recursion formula: an+1=αnn+1an, i.e. an=α(α1)(αn+1)n!,n0 Terminally, (1+x)α=n=0+α(α1)(αn+1)n!xn Evaluate its radius of convergence. According to D’Alembert’s test, limn+|an+1an|=limn+|αn||x|n+1=|x| Hence, when |x|<1, series is convergent; when |x|>1, series is divergent.

When x=1, S(1)=n=0+an=n=0+α(α1)(αn+1)n!. According to Raabe’s test, n(|an||an+1|1)=n(n+1nα1)n+α+1 So when α>0, S(±1) is absolutely convergent; when α<0, S(±1) is not absolutely convergent.

When α<0, an=(1)n(α)(α+1)(nα1)n!>0 So S(1) is divergent. ... Then it’s left as exercise. :)

Terminal results. Assuming D is the domain of convergence, then D={(1,1)α1(1,1]α(1,0)[1,1]α>0 meaning x(1,1), we have the general binomial theorem (1+x)α=n=0+α(α1)(αn+1)n!xn

Example 5.4.4


Take α=1, we have 11+x=1x+x2x3+,x(1,1) Integrate it term by term, we have ln(1+x)=xx22+x33++(1)n1xnn+,x(1,1) Particularly, the series is also convergent when x=1, so ln2=112+1314+ In numerical mathematics, we often use ln1+x1x=ln(1+x)ln(1x)=2x+23x3+25x5+ which is much faster.


When x(1,1), 11+x2=1x2+x4x6+ arctanx=xx33+x55x77+,x(1,1) Particularly, the series is also convergent when x=±1, so π4=113+1517+


When x(1,1), (arcsinx)=(1x2)12=1+(12)1!(x2)+(12)(121)2!(x2)2+ Then arcsinx=x+16x3+340x5+,x(1,1)

Example 5.4.5 Not all functions of C could be expressed as a convergent power series. Example, f(x)={e1x2x00x=0 then we have f(n)(0)=0,n, so the power series is constantly 0, wrong!

Definition 5.4.4 Analyticity. f is analytic at x0 if δ>0 such that f(x)=n=0+an(xx0)n=n=0+f(n)(x0)n!(xx0)n,xB(x0,δ)