2.7 Taylor formula

Given f of Cr where f(x1,...,xn)=f(x), how to estimate f near x0?

For any vRn, let g(t)=f(x0+vt) is of Cr. We have g(t)=f(x0+tv)v=i=1nfxi(x0+tv)vig(t)=i=1nj=1n2fxjxi(x0+tv)vivjg(k)(t)=i1,...,ik=1nkfxikxi1(x0+tv)vi1vikg(k)(0)=i1,...,ik=1nkfxikxi1(x0)vi1vikf(x0+tv)=f(x0)+k=1rtkk!i1,...,ik=1nkfxikxi1(x0)vi1vik+o(tr),t0

Assuming v is the identity vector along v, let t=v, then f(x0+v)=f(x0)+k=1rvkk!i1,...,ik=1nkfxikxi1(x0)vi1vik+o(vr)=f(x0)+k=1r1k!i1,...,ik=1nkfxikxi1(x0)vi1vik+o(vr),v0

This is not true!! Since in the process above, o(t) may have something to do with v!!

So we can use the Lagrange remainder to deal with this problem. f(x0+v)=f(x0)+k=1r11k!i1,...,ik=1nkfxikxi1(x0)vi1vik+1r!i1,...,ir=1nrfxirxi1(x0+θv)vi1vir

where v0 and θ(0,1). According to the continuity of the rth order derivative, we have

  ∑n        ∂rf                           ∑n        ∂rf
        ------------(x0 + 𝜃v)vi1 ⋅⋅⋅vir =       ------------(x0)vi1 ⋅⋅⋅vir + o(∥v∥ )
i1,...,ir=1 ∂xir ⋅⋅⋅∂xi1                    i1,...,ir=1 ∂xir ⋅⋅⋅ ∂xi1


                     r        n
                    ∑   1-  ∑     ----∂kf-----                     r
f(x0 + v) = f(x0) +     k!        ∂x   ⋅⋅⋅∂x  (x0)vi1 ⋅⋅⋅vik + o(∥v ∥ ),  v →  0
                    k=1    i1,...,ik=1   ik      i1

Here we can find that for multiple variables function, even expanding the Taylor series with Peano remainder requires the rth order derivative to be continuous.

The uniqueness of Taylor formula.

Theorem 2.7.1 Assuming fCr, P is a polynomial where degPr satisfying that

f(x) − P (x) = o(∥x − x0∥ ),     x →  x0

Then P is the Taylor polynomial of degree r of f at x0.

Proof To simplify, assuming x0=0, then we have

f(x ) = T (x) + o(∥x∥r),    x →  0

where T is the Taylor polynomial of degree r of f. Since f(x)P(x)=o(xr), we have

P(x) − T (x) = Q  + Q  (x) + ⋅⋅⋅ + Q (x) = o(∥x∥r)
                 0    1             r

where Qk(x) is a homogeneous mapping of degree k.

Then it’s proved by mathematical induction.

  • x0Q0=0.
  • Assuming Qs(x)=0 for any 0s<k, then

    Q  (x) + Q    (x) + ⋅⋅⋅ + Q (x)=  o(∥x∥r) = o(∥x ∥k)
  k      ◟-k+1-----◝◜------r--◞

    meaning Qk(x)=o(xk). Consider

                                  k    k
Q  (x ) = lim  Qk(λx-)-= lim  o(λ-∥x-∥-) = lim  o(1) = 0
  k      λ→0   λk      λ→0     λk       λ→0

    Therefore, Qk(x)=0.

Terminally, P(x)T(x)=0.

Example 2.7.1 Seek Taylor polynomial of degree 3 of ln(1+x+y+z) at (x,y,z)=(0,0,0). Since

                u2    u3
ln(1 + u) = u − ---+  ---+ o(u3)
                 2    3

So ln(1+x+y+z)=(x+y+z)(x+y+z)22+(x+y+z)33+o((x+y+z)3)=(x+y+z)(x+y+z)22+(x+y+z)33Taylor polynomial of degree 3+o((x,y,z)3)