5.6 Convergence of Fourier series

Figure 5.4 shows periodic function f with period 2π and its partial sum sequence of Fourier series.


Figure 5.4: f(x)=x2,x[π,π] and its Fourier series

Theorem 5.6.1 (Pointwisely convergence) Assuming f is piecewisely continuous and piecewisely derivable; and jump discontinuity x0 of f, f(x0+),f(x0) is finite, then x, its Fourier series S is convergent, and S(x)=f(x+)+f(x)2

Definition 5.6.2 The inner product of 2 functions in R[π,π] is defined as f,g=ππf(x)g(x)dx The L2-norm is defined as fL2=f,f=ππ|f(x)|2dx

Definition 5.6.3 (Convergence in the mean square) If fnfL20 when n+, then fn converges to f in the mean square, marked as fnL2f.

Theorem 5.6.4 (Least square property) Assuming SN=A02+n=1N(Ancosnx+Bnsinnx) is the partial sum of Fourier series of f, mark WN={α02+n=1N(αncosnx+βnsinnx)|α0,αnβnR} then L2π2[π,π]={Periodic square-integrable function with period 2π} is a infinite-dimension linear space, WNL2 is the linear subspace and dimWN=2N+1. Assuming T satisfies minTWNfT=fT then T=SN.

Proof Notice that SN=T(fSN)SN(fSN){1,cosnx,sinnx|1nN} Since fT,1=f,1T,1=πA0πα0=0A0=α0fT,cosnx=f,cosnxT,cosnx=πAnπαn=0An=αn

Similarly we have Bn=βn. So SN=T.

Corollary 5.6.5 (Bessel inequality) π(A022+n=1N(An2+Bn2))ππ|f(x)|2dx

Proof Notice that fL22=fSN2+SN2SN2=A02+n=1N(Ancosnx+Bnsinnx)2=A0241,1+n=1N(An2cosnx,cosnx+Bn2sinnx,sinnx)

So Bessel inequality is proved.

Corollary 5.6.6 Series π(A022+n=1+(An2+Bn2)) is convergent, and π(A022+n=1+(An2+Bn2))ππ|f(x)|2dx This could be used to judge if a trignometric series is a Fourier series.

Corollary 5.6.7 (Parseval’s identity) Notice that SNL2fSNfL20SNL2fL2 we have SNL2fπ(A022+n=1+(An2+Bn2))=ππ|f(x)|2dx

Theorem 5.6.8 For any fL2, Parseval’s identity holds.

Corollary 5.6.9 For any fL2, SNL2f.

Corollary 5.6.10 Assuming f(x)=A02+n=1+(Ancosnx+Bnsinnx) and g(x)=α02+n=1+(αncosnx+βnsinnx), then f,g=π[A0α02+n=1+(Anαn+Bnβn)]

We can use this to compute Riemann-ζ function. Define ζ(z)=n=1+1nz, we have ζ(2)=π26, ζ(4)=π490, ...

Applications of Fourier series.

Example 5.6.1 Isoperimetric inequality. Given a closed curve γ where its length is L and the area of its interior is A. Assuming its parametric representative is x,y:[0,L]R where t[0,L] is the arc-length parameter and x,yC2[0,L] is periodic with period L, then we have 4πAL2 where it takes the equality if and only if γ is a circle.

Assuming x(t)=A02+n=1+(Ancos2nπtL+Bnsin2nπtL)y(t)=α02+n=1+(αncos2nπtL+βnsin2nπtL)x(t)=n=1+(2nπLAnsin2nπtL+2nπLBncos2nπtL)y(t)=n=1+(2nπLαnsin2nπtL+2nπLβncos2nπtL)

Since t is the arc-length parameter, we have x(t)2+y(t)2=1. Then we have L2=L0L(x(t)2+y(t)2)dt=L(x,x+y,y)=L[L24π2L2n=1+n2(An2+Bn2)+L24π2L2n=1+n2(αn2+βn2)]=2π2n=1+n2(An2+Bn2+αn2+βn2)A=12(ydx+xdy)=120L(y(t)x(t)+x(t)y(t))dt=12(y,x+x,y)=πn=1+n(αnBn+Anβn)

Notice that L22π2n=1+n(Bn2+αn2+An2+βn2)4π2n=1+n(αnBn+Anβn)=A Takes the equality.

Therefore, {x(t)=A02+A1cos2πtL+B1sin2πtLy(t)=α02B1cos2πtL+A1sin2πtL(xA02)2+(yα02)2=A12+B12 meaning it’s a circle.

Example 5.6.2 Seek the periodic solution with period 2π to y+λy=sinx, i.e. {y+λy=sinxy(0)=y(2π)y(0)=y(2π) This is called the boundary problem.

Assuming y(x)=A02+n=1+(Ancosnx+Bnsinnx), then y(x)=n=1+n2(Ancosnx+Bnsinnx) After substitution, we have

Discussion on λ.

Assuming a linear transformation operator L:Ly=y which operates on the linear space V composed of all periodic functions with period 2π, then the original equation could be rewritten as Ly+λy=sinx Recall in linear algebra, given x,bRn and a square matrix AMn, for the equation Ax+λx=b(λIA)x=b Assuming λ is not the eigenvalue of A, then λIA is invertible, so bRn, (λIA)x=b has a unique solution.

Assuming λ is the eigenvalue of A, then (λIA)x=b has a solution bIm(λIA). Assuming A is symmetric, then we have Rn=ker(λIA)Im(λIA) Here bIm(λIA)b all eigenvectors of A corresponded to eigenvalue λ.

L is symmetric since Lf,g=f,Lg. f,g, i.e. Lf,g=02π(f)gdx=02πgdf=fg|02π+02πfgdx=02πfgdxf,Lg=02π(g)fdx=02πfdg=gf|02π+02πfgdx=02πfgdx

Assuming λ is eigenvalue of L, i.e. (λIL)y=λy+y=0.