2.2 Partial derivative

Given f:ERp, x0ERm is the interior point, {v1,...,vm} compose a set of bases in Rm. Therefore

x =  x1v1 + ...+ xmvm   =∈  ℝm

is called the coordinate based on v1,...,vm.

Let v=i=1mξivi, assuming f is differentiable at x0, then

                         ∑m               ∑m                 ∑m
∂f(x0)(v ) = ∂f (x0)∖left(   ξivi∖right ) =    ξi∂f(x0 )(vi) =     ξi ∂f-(x0)
                         i=1               i=1                i=1   ∂vi


∂f         ∂f
---(x0 ) = ---(x0)
∂vi        ∂xi

which is called the partial derivative of f at x0 over the ith component under the coordinate system (x1,...,xm). Define the coordinate-projection function xi:RmR,

x =↦→  xi

It’s a linear function, therefore, dxi=xi:RmR, xi:RmR,

v = ↦→ ξi

is also linear. When p=1, we have

          m∑   ∂f
∂f(x0 ) =    ----(x0)dxi
          i=1 ∂xi

which is called the (total) differential of f at x0. Here dxi are functions, not numbers! Take z=f(x,y) as an example, we have

            ∂f      ∂f
dz  = df =  ---dx + ---dy
            ∂x      ∂y

Consider f(x0)(v)=i=1mfxi(x0)ξi=(fx1(x0)fxm(x0))The representative matrix of f(x0)(ξ1ξm)df(x0)=(fx1(x0)fxm(x0))

When p>1, consider a mapping

f(x1,...,xm ) =: E ⊆ ℝm  →  ℝp


∂f(x0) ==  p×m =  Jf(x0)

is called the Jacobi matrix of f at x0.

Chain rule. (GF)(x0)=G(y0)F(x0)J(GF)(x0)=JG(y0)JF(x0)


= F (x1,...,xm ),  = G (y1,...,yn)

then (zixj)l×m=(ziyk)l×n(ykxj)n×mzixj=k=1nziykykxji,j

If G=g is a function, i.e.

=  F(x1,...,xm ),  z = g (y1,...,yn) = g(F (x1,...,xm ))

therefore dz=i=1m(gF)xidxi=i=1m(k=1nzykykxi)dxi=k=1n[zyki=1mykxidxi]=k=1nzykdykdz=i=1mzxidxi=k=1nzykdyk

which is called the formal invariance of first-order derivative, meaning for any set of variables to express z, the form of the differential of z remains invariant.

Example 2.2.1 Orthogonal coordinate and polar coordinate. Given z=f(x,y),

f(rcos 𝜃,rsin𝜃) = g(r,𝜃)

Find the relation between fx,fy and gr,gθ. Notice that dz=zxdx+zydy=fxdx+fydydz=zrdr+zθdθ=grdr+gθdθdx=xrdr+xθdθ=cosθdrrsinθdθdy=yrdr+yθdθ=sinθdr+rcosθdθgr=fxcosθ+fysinθ1rgθ=fxsinθfycosθ(zrzθ)=(zxzy)(xrxθyryθ)


Figure 2.3: Concept Map

Theorem 2.2.1 Assuming fx1,...,fxm is continuous on U, then f is differentiable at every point in U, and f(x0)(v)=i=1mfxi(x0)ξi,x0Uf(x0)=i=1mfxi(x0)dxi

Proof Prove only m=2. z=f(x,y), we need

  • fx(a,b) exists.
  • fy(x,y) exists on U near (a,b) and is continuous at (a,b).

We use the 1-norm here, so it is needed to be proven that when (x,y)(a,b),

                   ∂f-              ∂f-
f(x,y ) − f (a,b) = ∂x (a,b)(x − a ) + ∂y(a,b)(y − b) + o(|x − a| + |y − b|)


Since fx(a,b) exists, for any ϵ>0, there exists δ1(ϵ,a,b)>0 such that

|x − a| < δ1 ⇒ |(2)| ≤ 𝜖|x − a|

According to Lagrange’s intermediate theorem, f(x,y)f(x,b)=fy(x,ξ)(yb)ξ=(1t(x,y))b+t(x,y)y0t(x,y)1(1)=[fy(x,ξ)fy(a,b)](yb)

Since fy is continuous at (a,b), for any ϵ>0, there exists δ2(ϵ)>0 such that

                              ∂f-        ∂f-
|x − a| + |y − b| < δ2 ⇒ ∖left|∂y (x,ξ) − ∂y (a,b)∖right| < 𝜖

Here |xa|+|ξb||xa|+|yb|<δ2, so |(1)|ϵ|yb|. Select δ=min{δ1(ϵ),δ2(ϵ)}, then for any |xa|+|yb|<δ(ϵ),

|(1) + (2)| ≤ |(1)| + |(2)| ≤ 𝜖(|x − a| + |y − b|)

Terminally f is differentiable at (x,y).