2.6 Curve and surface

Definition 2.6.1 γRn is a curve if there exists x:(a,b)Rn of Ck where tx(t) such that γ={x(t)|t(a,b)}. x(t) is called a parameterization of Ck of γ. Mark

                   x(t + h ) − x (t)
v (t) = x ′(t) = lim  ---------------
               h→0       h

as the tangent vector of γ at x(t).

Reparameterization. Given the parameterization x(t),t(a,b) of γ, let t=t(s)Ck,s(α,β). Let x~(s)=x(t(s)), then γ={x~(s)|s(α,β)}, v~=x~(s)=x~(t(s))t(s)=vλ where t=λs. The tangent space of γ at P0, marked as TP0γ, consists of all tangent vectors of γ at P0.

Theorem 2.6.2 TP0γ is a linear space. The tangent line of γ at P0 is P0+TP0γ. The relation between the tangent space and the tangent line is just the relation between the linear space and the affine space.

Curve equation.
x (t) ==  x(t ) + x′(t )(t − t ) + o(t − t ),  t →  t
            0       0      0          0            0

Tangent equation. x=x(t0)+x(t0)λ,λ(,+)=x(t0)+x(t0)(tt0),t(,+)

Definition 2.6.3 n is the norm vector of γ at P0 if nTP0γ. The norm space consists of all norm vectors of γ at P0, i.e. {n|x(t0),n=0}, which is a linear space of (n1)-dimension. The norm surface of γ at P0 is P0+ norm space.

Definition 2.6.4 Given γ and its parameterization x(t) which is a regular curve meaning x(t)0,t. The length function of arc is defined as l:(a,b)(0,+) where l(t)=atx(s)ds.

Since l(t)=x(t)>0, so l is bijective, meaning t=t(l) exists. Thus,
d ∥x(t(l))∥
---------- = 1 ⇔  ⟨x′(l),x ′(l)⟩ = 1

Take the derivative over l to get

2⟨x ′′(l),x ′(l)⟩ = 0

Here x(l) is called the principle norm vector, correspondingly other norm vectors are called subsidiary norm vectors.

Example 2.6.1 The graph of z=f(x,y) where f:ER,ER2 is defined as

Σ =  {(x,y,z)|(x,y) ∈ E,z =  f(x,y)} ⊆ ℝ

It’s a 2-dimension surface.

Given y=f(x1,...,xn), then

Σ  = {(x1,...,xn,y )|(x1,...,xn) ∈ E, y = f(x1,...,xn )} ⊆  ℝn+1

is a (n+1)-dimension surface. Given f:ERn,ERm, then

                m     n                     n     m     n     m+n
Σ =  {(x,y) ∈ ℝ   × ℝ  |x ∈ E, y =  f(x) ∈ ℝ  } ⊆ ℝ   × ℝ  =  ℝ

Definition 2.6.5 Given ΣRm satisfying that P0Σ, there exists a neighborhood URn of P0, the permutation (arrangement) σ of 1,...,n and mapping f of Cr such that Σ={(x1,...,xn)Rn|(xσ(k+1),...,xσ(n))=f(xσ(1),...,xσ(k))} where (xσ(1),...,xσ(k))TURk and U is open, then Σ is called a k-dimension surface of Cr in Rn.

Definition 2.6.6 A curve γ of C1 on Σ passing through P0 is defined as

x (t) = (x1(t),...,xn(t))  ∈ Σ, − δ < t < δ

where x(0)=P0.

Definition 2.6.7 One of the tangent vectors of Σ at P0 is defined as v=x(0). The tangent space of Σ at P0, TP0Σ, is a set consisting of all tangent vectors of Σ at P0.

Definition 2.6.8 n is one of the norm vectors of Σ at P0 if

⟨n,v ⟩ = 0,∀v ∈ TP0 Σ

The norm space NP0Σ is a set consisting of all norm vectors of Σ at P0.

Theorem 2.6.9 Assuming Σ is a k-dimension surface of Cr, then for any P0Σ, TP0Σ is a k-dimension linear space, NP0Σ is a (nk)-dimension linear space and

TP0 Σ ⊥  NP0 Σ,     ℝn =  TP0 Σ ⊕ NP0 Σ

Example 2.6.2