4.4 Functional integral on curve and surface

It is non-oriented and done for functions.

Curve integral of the first kind

Assuming a curve γRm whose parametric representative is x=x(t),t[a,b] where x is piecewisely of C1 with respect to t. Assuming a function ρ:γR, if when

max  ∥Pk −  Pk−1∥ →  0

the limit of

   ρ (ξk)∥Pk −  Pk−1∥

exists, then the functional integral on curve γ is

   ρ(x)dl = lim     ρ(ξk)∥Pk − Pk −1∥
 γ               k

where dl is the infinitesimal arc length. It is not strict! See Figure 4.3 for counter example, where 2 points on the dashed black line could be arbitrarily close.


Figure 4.3: Counter example

Definition 4.4.1 Arc length. Given a partition of the curve Π:a=t0<t1<<tn=b, Pk=γ(tk), the total length of the broken line is k=1nγ(tk)γ(tk1). If

L =  sup     ∥γ(tk) − γ(tk−1)∥ < + ∞
      Π  k=1

then γ is called a rectifiable curve, L is called the (arc) length of γ.

Proposition 4.4.2 Mark λ(Π)=max1kn(tktk1), if

 lim  L (Π) = L

then γ is rectifiable and L=L(γ), i.e. ϵ>0, δ(ϵ)>0, such that for any partition Π of [a,b], λ(Π)<δ(ϵ)|L(Π)L|<ϵ.

Theorem 4.4.3 If curve γ has a regular parametric representative of C1, i.e. x(t),t[a,b] where x(t)0,t. Here γ={x(t)|atb}, and x is a one-to-one correspondence of (a,b) with γ. Then γ is a rectifiable curve, and its length is abx(t)dt.

Definition 4.4.4 Define l(t)=atx(s)ds where l(t)=x(t)>0, its inverse function is t=t(l), then x(t)=x(t(l))=x~(l) is called the parametric representative of γ under the arc-length parameter l.

Definition 4.4.5 Assuming fC(γ), define the infinitesimal arc-length dl=x(t)dt, then

∫        ∫ b
  f dl ≜    f(x (t))∥x ′(t)∥dt
 γ        a        ◟ --◝◜--◞

Theorem 4.4.6 The integral defined above has nothing to do with the selection of parametric representative of γ.

Proof Assuming t=t(s) and t(s)>0,s and where s[α,β]t[a,b], then [α,β]f(x(t(s)))ddsx(t(s))ds=[a,b]f(x(t))x(t)|t(s)||detst|dt=[a,b]f(x(t))x(t)dt

They are equivalent.

Example 4.4.1 Given γ:r=2(1+cosθ),πθπ in polar coordinate, seek its length and center of figure (centroid, the center of mass when evenly distributed).


     ∫ π ∘ --------------
L  =       x ′(𝜃)2 + y′(𝜃)2d𝜃
      − π



      ∫  π          𝜃
L =  4    ∖left|cos -∖right|d𝜃 = 16
       − π          2

It is trivial that yC=0,

      1  ∫ π     ∘ --------------     8
xC =  ---    x(𝜃)  x′(𝜃)2 + y ′(𝜃)2d𝜃 =--
      16  −π                          5

dl in different coordinate systems.

                ∘  ------------
dl = ∥x′(t)∥dt =    ⟨x ′(t),x′(t)⟩dt

Assuming in another coordinate system, the coordinate is u, and

x = ϕ(u ),     u(t) = ϕ−1(x (t)) →  ˜γ = ϕ−1(γ)

So the infinitesimal length is

     ┌│ -------m-----------m-----------------     ┌│ -m--------------------------------
     │∘       ∑   ∂x--dui-∑   ∂x--duj-            │∘ ∑   dui-duj-      ∂x---∂x-
dl =   ∖left⟨    ∂u  dt ,    ∂u  dt ∖right ⟩dt =         dt  dt ∖lef t⟨∂u ,∂u  ∖right⟩dt
             i=1   i     j=1   j                   i,j=1                i    j

Express it in quadratic form, we have dl=(u1(t)um(t))(xui,xuj)m×m(u1(t)um(t))dt=(du1dum)(xui,xuj)m×mMetric (Gram) matrix(du1dum)

Example 4.4.2 Polar coordinate in 2-dimension.

We have

      (     )            (        )
∂x-=    cos𝜃  ,    ∂x- =   − rsin𝜃
∂r      sin 𝜃        ∂𝜃      rcos 𝜃

Therefore, the Gram matrix is


     √    ∘ --------------
dl =   =    (dr)2 + (rd𝜃)2

Surface integral of the first kind

Definition 4.4.7 Assuming a surface ΣRm, its regular parametric representative of C1 is x:DRm where DR2, (u,v)Dx(u,v)Σ, and xu(u,v),xv(u,v) are linear independent (u,v)D. Then Σ={x(u,v)|(u,v)D}.

How to calculate the area of the surface? One method is to divide the surface by triangles (Figure 4.4(a)), and seek the supremum of the total area of the triangles. Yet Schwartz constructed a counter example in the 19th century that even for a cylindrical surface, an arbitrary partition could make the supremum of the total area become +. Kunihiko proved in his works that if the smallest angle of all triangles is greater than a given positive, then this method is valid.

Another method is to divide the surface by grids (Figure 4.4(b)). The shape in red shadow is a parallelogram composed by xudu,xvdv. Then we have dσ=xuduxvdvsinθ=xu2xv2xu2xv2cos2θdudv=xu,xuExv,xvGxu,xv2F2dudv


      √ ----------
dσ =    EG  − F 2dudv

Theorem 4.4.8 The definition above has nothing to do with the selection of parametric representative of Σ.

Proof Assuming x~(t1,t2)=x(u1(t1,t2),u2(t1,t2)) where (t1,t2)(u1,u2) is a diffeomorphism of C1, then dσ=det(x~ti,x~tj)2×2dt1dt2=det(k=12xukukti,l=12xulultj)2×2dt1dt2=det(u1,u2)(t1,t2)det(xuk,xul)2×2det(u1,u2)(t1,t2)dt1dt2=det(xuk,xul)2×2du1du2

(a) Method 1
(b) Method 2
Figure 4.4: Calculate the area of the surface

Example 4.4.3 Given Σ:z=f(x,y) where fC1, (x,y)DR2, seek the area of Σ.

Assuming x=(x,y,f(x,y)), then

∂x         ∂x
---=,      ---=
∂x         ∂y

we have

              ∂f        2                  ∂f        2        ∂f ∂f
E = 1 + ∖left(---∖right) ,  G  = 1 + ∖left(---∖right) ,  F  = ------
              ∂x                           ∂y                 ∂x  ∂y


                        ∘  -----------------------------------------
     √ ----------                    ∂f                 ∂f                 ∘  -----------
dσ =   EG  −  F2dxdy  =    1 + ∖lef t(---∖right)2 + ∖lef t(--∖right )2dxdy  =    1 + ∥ ∇f ∥2dxdy
                                     ∂x                  ∂y

So the area of Σ is

    ∫ ∫
         ∘ ----------2
A =        1 + ∥∇f ∥ dxdy

Since the gradient vector points at the fastest direction of change of f, and its magnitude equals to the rate of change, the formula above also has a geometric meaning.

Example 4.4.4 Assuming surface Σ is derived by a curve y=f(x)>0 in (x,y) plain rotating around x axis by 2π, seek the area of Σ.

Assuming x=(x,f(x)cosθ,f(x)sinθ), we have

           ′   2         2
E = 1 + (f (x)) ,  G =  f (x),  F  = 0


     ∘  ------------------        ∘ ------------
dσ =    [1 + (f′(x))2]f 2(x )dxd𝜃 =    1 + (f′(x ))2dxd 𝜃

So the area of Σ is

     ∫ b∫ 2π     ∘ ------------           ∫           ∫
A =          f(x)  1 + (f′(x))2dxd 𝜃 = 2π   f (x )dl =   2πydl
      a  0                                 γ           γ

Example 4.4.5 Given Σ:x2+y2+z2=R2, longitude ϕ[ϕ1,ϕ2][0,2π], latitude θ[θ1,θ2][0,π], seek the area of Σ.

Assuming x=(Rsinθcosϕ,Rsinθsinϕ,Rcosθ), we have

      2          2   2
E = R  ,  G  = R  sin 𝜃,  F  = 0

So the area of Σ is

     ∫   ∫
       𝜃2  ϕ2  2               2
A  =          R  sin 𝜃dϕd 𝜃 = R  (ϕ2 − ϕ1 )(cos 𝜃1 − cos 𝜃2)
      𝜃1  ϕ1

Particularly, take ϕ1=0,ϕ2=2π,θ1=0,θ2=π, we get the area of a spherical surface A=4πR2. Generally, we have

Am (R ) = dVm-(R )
Surface in higher dimension. Assuming ΣRm is a k-dimension surface, its regular representative of C1 is
x =

where all tangent vectors xui are linear independent. Define

      ┌│ ------------------------------------------
dσ =  ││ det ∖lef t(∖lef t⟨ ∂x-,-∂x-∖right⟩∖right)k×kdu1 ⋅⋅⋅duk
      ∘                 ∂ui ∂uj
            ◟----------------◝ ◜----------------◞
                          Gram matrix

Assuming f:ΣR is continuous, define

∫         ∫                 ∘ ------------------------------------------
   f dσ =    f (x (u1,...,uk))  det ∖lef t(∖lef t⟨ ∂u ,∂u  ∖right⟩∖right)k×kdu1 ⋅⋅⋅duk
  Σ        D                                    i    j

Note The definition above has nothing to do with the selection of regular representative.

Example 4.4.6 Assuming ΣRm+1:xm+1=f(x1,...,xm) where fC1 and (x1,...,xm)DRm, here Σ is called a hypersurface in Rm+1. Seek the (m-dimension) area of Σ.

Assuming x=(x1,...,xm,f(x1,...,xm)), we have

-∂x- ==  ei +-∂f-em+1
∂xi          ∂xi


∖lef t⟨ ∂x-,-∂x-∖right⟩ = ∖left⟨e + ∂f-e    ,e  + -∂f-e    ∖right⟩ = δ  + ∂f--∂f--
      ∂xi ∂xj                  i   ∂xi  m+1  j   ∂xj  m+1            ij   ∂xi ∂xj


∖left(∖left⟨-∂x-, ∂x-∖right⟩∖right)     = ∖left(δ  + -∂f-∂f--∖right)     = I  + ∇f (∇f  )T
            ∂xi  ∂xj               m×m           ij   ∂xi ∂xj        m×m     m

For any vector v perpendicular to f, we have

[Im + ∇f (∇f )T]v = v


[Im + ∇f (∇f )T ]∇f  = (1 + ∥∇f  ∥2)∇f


                  T    ∏m                          2             2
det(Im + ∇f  (∇f ) ) =    λi = 1◟-⋅ ⋅◝⋅◜⋅ ⋅ 1◞ ⋅(1 + ∥∇f ∥ ) = 1 + ∥∇f ∥
                       i=1       m −1


      ∘ ----------2
d σ =   1 + ∥∇f  ∥ dx1⋅⋅⋅dxm

An example. Σ:x12++xm+12=R2.

          ∘ -------------------     ∘ ----------
xm+1  = ±   R2 −  x2− ⋅ ⋅⋅ − x2 = ±   R2 − ∥xˆ∥2
                   1         m

then we have dσ=1+(±R2x^2)2dx1dxm=1+122x^R2x^22dx1dxm=RR2x^2dx1dxm

Terminally, Am(R)=Bm(R)RR2x^2dx1dxm=RRdxmx12++xm12R2xm2RR2x^2dx1dxm1=RRRdxmR2xm2Bm1(R2xm2)R2xm2dx1dxm1R2xm2x12xm12=20RRR2xm2Am1(R2xm2)dxm


           ∫ R
                          ∘ --2----2-
Vm (R ) = 2 0  Vm −1∖left(  R  −  xm∖right )dxm

Notice that

dV           ∫ R     R      dV          ∘ ---------
---m-(R) = 2     ∘------------m-−1∖left(  R2  − x2m ∖right)dxm
 dR           0    R2 −  x2m  dR

Since A1(R)=2πR=V2(R), so we have

Am (R ) = V′  (R )
           m− 1