2.3 Gradient

The derivative of function in inner-product space

Theorem 2.3.1 (Riesz representative theorem) Assuming L:RmR is a linear function, , is the inner product on Rm, then there exists a unique vLRm such that L(h)=h,vL, for any hRm.

Proof If L=0, then take vL=0, it is unique.
When L0, consider kerL={hRm|L(h)=0}Rm. Take u1(kerL) and u1=1, then for hRm, there exists a unique λR such that

                        L (h)
L (h − λu1 ) = 0 ⇔ λ =  ------

Here hλu1=hL(h)L(u1)u1kerL0=hλu1,u1=h,u1λu1,u1h,u1=λ=L(h)L(u1)L(h)=h,L(u1)u1

Therefore, v1=L(u1)u1. The uniqueness is proved via contradiction.

vL is called the gradient of L. Given f:RmR, the gradient of df(x0) is called the gradient of f at x0, marked as gradf(x0) or f(x0), i.e.
df(x0 )(v ) = ⟨v, ∇f (x0)⟩

Example 2.3.1 Several examples for the gradient.


A:RmRm is linear, f(x)=Ax,x, seek f(x0). f(x0+v)f(x0)=A(x0+v),(x0+v)Ax0,x0=Ax0,v+Av,x0df(x0)(v)+Av,vdf(x0)(v)=Ax0,v+Av,x0=Ax0,v+v,ATx0=v,(A+AT)x0f(x0)=(A+AT)x0


det:MnR, define the inner product between matrices as

⟨A, B ⟩ = tr(A  B ),  ∀A, B  ∈ ℳn


ddet(A )(B) = trA ∗TB  = ⟨B, A∗⟩

meaning det(A)=A.

Assuming v1,...,vm is a set of bases in Rm, let x=x1v1+...+xmvm, v=ξ1v1+...+ξmvm, then the form of f(x0) under coordinate (x1,...,xm) could be expressed as f(x0)=c1v1+...+cmvmdf(x0)(v)=v,f(x0)=i=1mξivi,j=1mcjvj=i,j=1nξivi,vjcj=(ξ1ξm)(vi,vj)i,j(c1cm)df(x0)(v)=i=1mfxi(x0)ξi=(ξ1ξm)(fx1(x0)fxm(x0))

Therefore, (fx1(x0)fxm(x0))=(vi,vj)i,j(c1cm)f(x0)=(c1cm)=(vi,vj)i,j1(fx1(x0)fxm(x0))=(vi,vj)i,j1(x1xm)

If v1,...,vm is a set of normalized (standard) orthogonal bases, then (vi,vj)i,j=I, we have

∇f (x0 ) =


∖left|∂f-(x0)∖right| = |df (x0)(v)| = |⟨v, ∇f (x0)⟩| ≤ ∥∇f (x0)∥∥v ∥

It takes = if and only if v,f(x0) are parallel. If we assume v=1, the gradient could also be defined without inner product: f(x0)=maxv=1|fv(x0)|=|fv(x0)|f(x0)=f(x0)v

Although this so-called gradient could be defined based on any kind of norm, yet without the backup of inner product, it does not have good properties.