3.1 Definite integral depending on a parameter

Definition 3.1.1 Assuming a function f(x,y) where x[a,b] and yURn. For any yU, f(,y)R[a,b]. Mark

F(y ) =    f(x,y )dx,     F : U →  ℝ

as the integral depending on a parameter, where y is called the parameter of the integral.

What we are interested.

They are all questions like if the order of the original integral and some kind of the limit (i.e. limit, derivative and another integral) could be exchanged.

Limit. Assuming f(x,y) is continuous(?) with respect to y, i.e. for any ϵ>0, there exists δ>0, s.t. for any yU, yy0<δ|f(x,y)f(x,y0)<ϵ. Therefore,

      ∫ b             ∫ b                    ∫ b                         ∫ b
∖left|    f(x,y)dx −     f(x, y )dx∖right| ≤     |f (x, y) − f(x,y )|dx ≤     𝜖dx < 𝜖′
       a               a       0              a                  0        a

The proof above is wrong! Since δ might be related to x! So we should add additional conditions to f.

Theorem 3.1.2 Assuming f:[a,b]×UR satisfies

  • yU,f(,y)R[a,b].
  • f(x,y) is continuous with respect to y at y0, and is uniform with respect to x, i.e. ϵ>0, δ(ϵ)>0 such that x[a,b],yU, yy0<δ(ϵ)|f(x,y)f(y0)|<ϵ.

Then abf(x,y)dx is continuous at y0.

Corollary 3.1.3 Assuming URn is closed/open, f:[a,b]×UR is continuous with respect to (x,y), then abf(x,y)dx is continuous with respect to y.

Proof If U is open, y0U, then δ0>0 such that K=B(y0,δ0)U. If U is closed, y0U, then arbitrarily take δ0>0, K=UB(y0,δ0).

f is uniformly continuous on bounded closed set [a,b]×K, i.e. ϵ>0, δ(ϵ)>0 such that (x1,y1)K,(xϵ,yϵ)K, |x1xϵ|<δ(ϵ)y1yϵ<δ(ϵ)|f(x1,y1)f(xϵ,yϵ)|<ϵ.

Corollary 3.1.4 If f satisfies

  • yU,f(,y)R[a,b].
  • fy1,...,fyn is bounded.

Then abf(x,y)dx is continuous at y0.

Proof Hint yk+1=yk+Δyk where Δyk=(ykyk0)ek.

Example 3.1.1 Define

F (y) =     cos(xy)dx

cos(xy) is continuous with respect to (x,y). We have

               ∫ 1             ∫ 1                 ∫ 1
lim F (y) = lim     cos(xy )dx  =     lim cos(xy)dx  =    1dx  = 1
y→0        y→0  0               0  y→0               0

On the other hand, when y0, we have

        ∫ y
F (y) =     1-costdt = siny-
         0  y            y


Theorem 3.1.5 Assuming k=1,...,n, fyk(x,y) is continuous with respect to (x,y)1, then F is of C1 and

    ∫ b                      ∫  b
-∂--   f(x, y)dx =  ∂F-(y) =     ∂f--(x, y)dx
∂yk  a              ∂yk        a ∂yk

Proof Only the last formula is needed to be proven. WLOG assuming k=1, i.e. to prove

                             ∫ b ∂f
α(t) = F (y + te1) − F (y) − t   ---(x, y)dx = o(t),    t →  0
                              a  ∂y1

We have α(t)=|F(y+te1)F(y)tabfy1(x,y)dx|=|abf(x,y+te1)dxabf(x,y)dxtabfy1(x,y)dx|ab|f(x,y+te1)f(x,y)tfy1(x,y)|=β(t)=o(t)dxabϵ|t|dx=ϵ(ba)|t|=o(t)

The proof above is wrong! Since t might be related to x, i.e. ϵ>0, δ(ϵ,x) such that 0<|t|<δ|β(t)|<ϵ. There are infinite x’s, possibly infxδ(ϵ,x)=0! Therefore, α(t)ab|f(x,y+te1)f(x,y)tfy1(x,y)|dx=ab|t||fy1(x,y+θte1)fy1(x,y)|dx,θ(0,1)

Here θ might also be related with x! Since fy1(x,y) is continuous with respect to (x,y), take δ1>0, the open ball at (x,y0), B(y0,δ1)U, K=[a,b]×B(y0,δ1) is bounded closed, fy1 is uniformly continuous on K, i.e. ϵ>0, δ(ϵ)>0 such that (x1,y1),(x2,y2)K,

                                           ∂f            ∂f
|x1 − x2| < δ(𝜖) ∧ ∥y1 − y2 ∥ < δ(𝜖) ⇒ ∖left|---(x1, y1) − ---(x2,y2 )∖right | < 𝜖
                                           ∂y1           ∂y1

Hence, when |t|<δ(ϵ), x[a,b],

∥(x,y0 + 𝜃te1) − (x,y0)∥ = ∥ 𝜃te1∥ = 𝜃|t| ≤ |t| < δ(𝜖)


      ∂f--              -∂f-
∖left|∂y1(x,y +  𝜃te1 ) − ∂y1 (x,y)∖right | < 𝜖

Terminally, theorem is proved.

Corollary 3.1.6 Assuming all kth-order partial derivative of f over y is continuous with respect to (x,y), then F is of Ck with respect to y and

   ∂kF           ∫  b    ∂kf
-----------(y) =     -----------(x, y)dx
∂yi1 ⋅⋅⋅∂yik       a ∂yi1 ⋅⋅⋅∂yik


Theorem 3.1.7 Assuming f:[a,b]×[c,d]R is continuous, then F(y)=abf(x,y)dx satisfies

∫ d   ∫ b            ∫  b   ∫ d
   dy    f (x,y)dx =     dx    f (x,y)dy
 c     a               a     c

Proof To prove

∫ t   ∫ b            ∫  b   ∫ t

 c dy  a f (x,y)dx =   a dx  c f(x, y)dy

holds for any t[c,d]. Assuming

        ∫     ∫              ∫     ∫
          t     b              b      t
G (t) =    dy    f (x, y)dx −    dx     f(x,y)dy
         c     a              a      c

We have G(c)=0. Notice that

        ∫ b         (?)∫ b        ∫ t
G ′(t) =    f(x, t)dx  −     dx ⋅ d-   f(x,y )dy = 0
         a              a      dt  c

So G(d)=G(c)=0.

Why (?) is true? Assuming g(x,t)=ctf(x,y)dy, gt=f(x,t) is continuous with respect to (x,y), so

 ∂ ∫ b            ∫ b ∂g
---    g(x,t)dx =     --(x, t)dx
∂t  a              a  ∂t


∂  ∫ b   ∫ t            ∫ b
---   dx    f (x, y)dy =     f(x,t)dx
∂t  a     c              a

Example 3.1.2 When b>a>0, seek

∫ 1  b    a
 0    ln x


        ∫ 1  b    a
F (b) =     x-−--x-dx
         0   ln x


    xb − xa              xb − xa
lim  --------= 0,     lim  --------= b − a
x→0   ln x            x→1   ln x

So we can define

f(x,b) =

then f is continuous. Notice that F(a)=0, and

        ∫ 1          b    a             ∫ 1
F′(b) =    -∂-∖left(x--−-x-∖right )dx  =    xbdx  = --1--
         0 ∂b         ln x                0         b + 1

We can do the derivative since xb is binarily continuous when b>0. Therefore,

               ∫ b                  b + 1
F (b) = F (a) +   F ′(t)t = ln∖lef t(------∖right)
                a                  a + 1

Example 3.1.3 (Variation) Assuming a,bRn, γ is a curve of at least C2 from a to b. Assuming x(t):[0,1]Rn is a regular representative of the curve, i.e. x(0)=a, x(1)=b, x(t)0 for any t[0,1]. Assuming

        ∫ 1
L (γ ) =    ∥x ′(t)∥dt

What’s γ when L(γ) takes the minimum?


y (t,s) : [0,1] × [− δ,δ] → ℝn

is of at least C2 where y(t,0)=x(t),t[0,1]y(0,s)=a,y(1,s)=b,s[δ,δ]

Then we have

                                        ∘  ------------------------------
       ∫ 1       ∂y                  ∫ 1         ∂y       ∂y
L(s) =    ∖lef t∥ ---(t,s )∖right ∥dt =       ∖left⟨---(t,s ), ---(t,s)∖right⟩dt
        0        ∂t                   0          ∂t       ∂t

Assuming x(t)=y(t,0) has the minimum length among all y(t,s), then L(0)=0, i.e. L(s)=01syt(t,s),yt(t,s)dt=012yst(t,s),yt(t,s)yt(t,s),yt(t,s)dtL(0)=012yst(t,0),x(t)x(t)dtby partintegralys(t,0),x(t)x(t)|t=0101ys(t,0),ddt(x(t)x(t))dt=01ys(t,0),ddt(x(t)x(t))dt=0


                 -d-      -x-(t)--
y (t,s) = x (t) + sdt∖lef t(∥x′(t)∥ ∖right)


     ∫ 1       d        x′(t)
0 =     ∖left∥ --∖left(-------∖right)∖right∥2dt ≥ 0
      0        dt      ∥x′(t)∥

Since x(t) is of C2, it takes the equality if and only if

d--     -x-′(t)-
dt∖left(∥x ′(t)∥∖right) = 0

meaning x(t) is a straight line.

y(t,s) constructed above doesn’t satisfy the boundary conditions, so we can adjust it to

                       d        x ′(t)
y (t,s) = x (t) + s ⋅ h(t)-∖left(-′---∖right )
                       dt      ∥x (t)∥

where h(t) is of C and

h(t) =


    ∫ 1           d        x ′(t)                      ∫ 1−𝜖       d        x ′(t)
0 =     h(t)∖lef t∥ --∖left(---′---∖right)∖right ∥2dt ≥      ∖left∥ --∖left(---′---∖right)∖right∥2dt ≥ 0
     0            dt      ∥x (t)∥                      𝜖          dt      ∥x (t)∥


-x-(t)- = const vector
∥x ′(t)∥

i.e. x(t) is a straight line.

Note: what we proved above is that if the curve of minimum length exists, then it can only be the straight line; yet we don’t prove that the curve of minimum length exists!

1When it comes to integral depending on a parameter, the condition yU,f(,y)R[a,b] is always necessary. So later when we are illustrating theorems concerning integral depending on a parameter, we will neglect this condition.