1.5 O and o

Definition 1.5.1 f=O(g) when xa if there exists M>0 and δ0>0 such that for any 0<xa<δ0, f(x)Mg(x).

Definition 1.5.2 f and g has the same order when xa if and only if f=O(g) and g=O(f), meaning there exists M>0 and δ0>0 such that for any 0<xa<δ0, 1Mg(x)f(x)Mg(x).

Definition 1.5.3 f=o(g) when xa if for any ϵ>0, there exists δϵ>0 such that for any 0<xa<δ0, f(x)ϵg(x).

Definition 1.5.4 f and g are equivalent if and only if f=g+o(g).

Theorem 1.5.5 Given f,g:ERp, where f(x)=(f1(x)fp(x))Tg(x)=(g1(x)gp(x))T

then f=O(g)fk=O(gk), for any k.

Proof Hint.

 1           1
---|fk(x)| < ---∥f(x )∥ ∞ ≤ ∥f (x)∥ ≤ M  ∥f(x)∥1 = M  ∖lef t[|f1(x)| + ...+ |fp(x)|∖right ]
M           M

Example 1.5.1 Several examples for O and o.


Linear (matrix) A. Ax=O(x), since AxAx.


Quadratic form. Ax,x=O(x2), since |Ax,x|AxxAx2.


xy=O(x2+y2),(x,y)(0,0), since |xy|x2+y22. Does xy has the same order as x2+y2 when (x,y)(0,0) ? No! For any δ-deleted neighborhood of (0,0), there exists a point whose components x0 and y=0. Here 0<(x,0)(0,0)2=|x|<δ. If x2+y2=O(xy), then there exists M,δ1>0 such that for any (x,0), 0<(x,y)(0,0)<δ1, x2+y2M|xy|, here 0<x2M|x0|=0, contradicted.


x2+y2 has the same order as 2x2+3y2, since 2(x2+y2)2x2+3y23(x2+y2).


The difference between xy and x2+y2 is shown in Figure 1.1. They don’t have the same order because their graph near (0,0) is different. Therefore, the definition of an exact order on the textbook is not well-defined, because the relation between x,y may result in various results.

(a) Difference between xy and x2+y2

(b) The graph of z=xy
(c) The graph of z=x2+y2
Figure 1.1: xy and x2+y2