4.1 The concept of multiple integral

DRn is a bounded closed set, f:DR,

I =     f(x)dμ (x )

is the multiple integral where dμ(x) is the n-dimension volume infinitesimal at x.

Recall: Riemann integral of 1-dimension.

     ∫ b          ∫

I =   a f(x )dx  =  [a,b]f(x)dx

Definition 4.1.1 Riemann sum. Given a partition P of [a,b]:

a = x  < x  <  ⋅⋅⋅ < x   <  x  = b
     0     1         n− 1    n

and a set of symbol points ξk[xk1,xk], then

S(f,P, ξ) =     f(ξk)(◟xk-−◝x◜k−1)◞
            k=1       = Δxk=|Ik|

ϵ>0, δ(ϵ)>0 such that a partition P,

m1≤akx≤n|xk − xk−1| < δ(𝜖) ⇒ ∀ξ = { ξk|ξk ∈ Ik},|S(f,P, ξ) − I| < 𝜖

Then f is Riemann integrable on [a,b].

Definition 4.1.2 Darboux. Assuming f:[a,b]R is bounded1, given a partition P, let S(f,P)=k=1nsupxIkf(x)|Ik|S(f,P)=k=1ninfxIkf(x)|Ik|S(f,P)S(f,P,ξ)S(f,P)

If P is more dense, then S(f,P) decreases and S(f,P) increases. If ϵ>0, a partition P such that

I − 𝜖 < S (f,P ) ≤ I ≤ S(f,P ) < I + 𝜖 ⇔ S-(f,P ) − S (f,P ) < 2𝜖
        --                                         --

Then f is Darboux integrable on [a,b].

Theorem 4.1.3 The following 3 statements are equivalent.


(Riemann) f is Riemann integrable on [a,b].


(Darboux) f is Darboux integrable on [a,b].


(Lebesgue) f is bounded, and {x[a,b]|x is the discontinuity of f} is a set of measure 0.

Definition 4.1.4 AR is a set of measure 0 if ϵ>0, countable intervals I1,...,In,... such that AI1In and k1|Ik|<ϵ.

Corollary 4.1.5 All continuous functions on [a,b] are integrable. All monotonous functions on [a,b] are integrable.

Rectangle in Rn.

Definition 4.1.6 Assuming

R = [a1,b1] × [an,bn] = {x = (x1,...,xn ) ∈ ℝ |ai ≤ xi ≤ bi,i = 1,...,n}

then u(R)=(b1a1)(bnan) is called the n-dimension volume of R.

Definition 4.1.7 R1,...,RN are the partition P of the rectangle R if

  • R=R1RN where Rk are all rectangles.
  • RiRjRiRj, i,j.

Definition 4.1.8 Riemann sum in higher dimension.

S (f,P,ξ) =     f(ξk)◟|Rk◝◜|◞
            k=1      μ(Rk)

f is Riemann integrable on rectangle R if IR such that ϵ>0, δ(ϵ)>0 such that for any partition P={Rk|1kN} of R,

max   sup  ∥x − y ∥ < δ(𝜖) ⇒ ∀ξ = { ξk|ξk ∈ Rk },|S (f,P,ξ ) − I| < 𝜖


I =     f(x)dμ(x )

as the Riemann integral of f on R. When the dimension n>1, it’s also called the multiple integral.

Definition 4.1.9 Darboux.

--        ∑N                                ∑N
S(f,P ) =     sup f(x )μ (Rk),     S(f,P ) =     inf f(x )μ (Rk)
          k=1 x∈Rk                          k=1 x∈Rk

f is Darboux integral on rectangle R if

Theorem 4.1.10 The following 3 statements are equivalent for any function defined on rectangle f:RR.


(Riemann) f is Riemann integrable on [a,b].


(Darboux) f is Darboux integrable on [a,b].


(Lebesgue) f is bounded, and {xR|x is the discontinuity of f} is a set of measure 0.

Corollary 4.1.11 All continuous functions on bounded closed rectangle R are integrable.

Assuming D is a bounded closed set of any shape, f:DR, how to seek Df(x)dμ(x)?

Thus, we have

Definition 4.1.12 Assuming D is a bounded closed set where D is a set of measure 0, f:DR. Let rectangle RRn satisfy DR, construct

fR =

If fR is integrable on R, then f is integrable on D, and

∫               ∫
   f(x)d μ(x) =    f (x )d μ(x)
 D               R  R

Corollary 4.1.13 If D is bounded closed where D is a set of measure 0, then all continuous functions on D is integrable.

Corollary 4.1.14 Indicator function

1D (x ) =

is Riemann integrable on D, define μ(D)=D1dμ(x).

Properties. Let R(D)={f:DR is Riemann integrable}, C(D)R(D).

Linearity. R(D) is a linear space, fDfdμ is linear, i.e. f,gR(D), α,βR, αf+βgR(D) and

∫                   ∫          ∫

  (αf  + βg)d μ = α    fdμ +  β   gd μ
 D                   D           D

Isotonicity. f,gR(D) and x,f(x)g(x), then

∫             ∫

    f(x)dμ ≤     g(x)dμ
  D            D

Triangle inequality. fR(D)|f|R(D), and |f|f|f|, so

      ∫                   ∫

∖left|   f (x)dμ∖right | ≤   |f(x )|dμ
        D                   D

Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. f,gR(D)fgR(D), then

      ∫                       ∘ ∫         ∫
∖lef t|   f(x)g(x)dμ ∖right| ≤      f(x )dμ    g(x)dμ
       D                         D          D

Integral mean theorem. Assuming D is (path-)connected, gR(D) and g(x)0, fC(D)R(D), then ξD, such that

∫                     ∫

   f(x)g(x)d μ = f(ξ)    g(X )dμ
 D                     D

When the denominator is non-zero, we have

          f (x)g(x)dμ
f(ξ) =  -D∫------------
           D g(x)dμ

It is a weighted mean of f where g is the weight.

1It could be proved from the definition of Riemann sum that if f is Riemann integrable, then f is bounded on [a,b].