2.5 Implicit function theorem

Background. Implicit function theorem (IFT) is based on solving equations F(X)=0. They can be classified into (1)Inverse mappingF(xunknown)=yknown?x=G(y)(2)Implicit functionF(xknown,yunknown)=0?y=G(x)

Theorem 2.5.1 (IFT) Assuming F:Rm×RnRn, FCk subjecting to

  • F(x0,y0)=0.
  • yF(x0,y0) is invertible.

then there exists a neighborhood U=V×W near (x0,y0) and mapping g:VWCk such that for any (x,y)U, F(x,y)=0y=g(x).



Linearize F near (x0,y0) to get

F (x,y ) = F (x ,y ) + ∂ F(x ,y  )(x −  x ) + ∂ F (x  ,y )(y − y ) + α(x,y )
              0   0    x     0  0       0     y    0  0       0

where α(x,y)=o(xx0+yy0). Since F(x,y)=F(x0,y0)=0, and for the solution to the linear function we let α(x,y)=0, therefore

y = y  − (∂ F (x ,y  ))− 1∂ F (x  ,y )(x − x )
      0    y    0   0     x    0  0       0

It is the unique solution to the linear function. We hope the solution for the original function has a form of

y =  y0 − (∂yF (x0,y0))  ∂xF (x0,y0)(x − x0 ) + β (x )

where β(x)=o(xx0). If g exists and g is derivable, then take the derivative over x of

F (x,g(x )) = 0     ∀x

we can get xF(x,g(x))+yF(x,g(x))g(x)=0g(x)=(yF(x,g(x)))1xF(x,g(x))


Prove gCk by mathematical induction.

  • FC1yF,xFC0, therefore yF(x,g(x)),xF(x,g(x)) are both continuous. Since AA1 is infinitely derivable, so gC0, meaning gC1.
  • FCk+1FCkgCk(yF(x,g(x)))1,xF(x,g(x))Ckg(x)CkgCk+1.

If g exists and is continuous, then g is derivable. Notice that

0 = F (x,g(x)) = F (x0,y0) + ∂xF (x0,y0)(x − x0 ) + ∂yF (x0,y0 )(g (x ) − y0 ) + α (x,g(x))

For α, ϵ>0, there exists δϵ>0 such that

∥x − x0 ∥ < δ𝜖 < δ𝜖,∥g(x ) − y0 ∥ < δ𝜖 ⇒ ∥α (x,g(x))∥ ≤ 𝜖(∥x − x0 ∥ + ∥g (x) − y0∥)

where δ~ϵ,δϵ are related with the continuity of g. Then

g(x) = y0 − (∂yF (x0,y0))−1∂xF (x0,y0 )(x − x0 ) − (∂yF (x0,y0 ))− 1α(x,g(x ))




Proof 1 (with fixed point): Notice that

                                      − 1
F (x, y) = 0 ⇔  G (x,y) = (∂yF (x0,y0 ))  F (x,y ) = 0

where G(x0,y0))=0 and yG(x0,y0)=I.

Construct Tx(y)=yG(x,y), then G(x,y)=0Tx(y)=y. Notice that

∂Tx0 (y0) = I − ∂yG (x0,y0) = 0

meaning Tx(y)0, i.e. Tx(y)12.

This proof doesn’t involve the dimension, meaning it holds for even infinite dimension.


Proof 2 (finite dimension only): Proof by mathematical induction over the dimension n. F(x,y)=0R, yR. F(x0,y0)=0, yF(x0,y0)R. Assuming yF(x0,y0)>0, otherwise consider F. See proof hint in Figure 2.4.

Figure 2.4: Implicit function theorem

Theorem 2.5.2 Inverse mapping theorem. Assuming F:RnRnCk, F(x0) is invertible, then there exists a neighborhood U near x0, a neighborhood V near y0=F(x0) and a unique mapping G:UVCk such that G(F(x))=x, xU.

Proof Assuming H(x,y)=F(x)y=0, H(x0,y0)=0 and xH(x0,y0)=xF(x0) is invertible. From IFT, there exists a unique G(y)=x such that H(G(y),y)=0, i.e. F(G(y))=y, hence G(F(x))=G(F(G(y)))=G(y)=x.

Example 2.5.1 For the matrix equation X2+tAXI=0, prove that when t0, there exists a unique solution X(t)C where X(0)=I. Find an approximate expression of X(t).

Construct F(t,X)=X2+tAXI where F(0,I)=0, notice that, F(t,I+B)=(I+B)2+tA(I+B)I=tA+2Blinear+B2+tABo(|t|+B)

meaning XF(0,I):MnMn=2B is invertible.

According to IFT, there exists δ1>0,δ2>0 such that |t|<δ1, XI<δ2, g such that F(t,X)=0X=g(t)=X(t). FCgC, meaning X(t) is C with respect to t.

Therefore, for any |t|<δ1, X(t)2+tAX(t)I=0. Take the derivative over t,

X ′(t)X (t) + X (t)X ′(t) + AX (t) + tAX ′(t) = 0,    ∀t

Take t=0, we have X(0)=I, hence X(0)=A2,

X (t) = X (0) + X ′(0 )t + o(t) = I − -A +  o(t)

Take the second derivative over t,

  ′′             ′  2         ′′         ′          ′′
X  (t)X (t) + 2X (t) +  X (t)X  (t) + 2AX  (t) + tAX  (t) = 0,     ∀t

Take t=0, we have X(0)=I, X(0)=A2, hence X(0)=A24,

            t     t2
X (t) = I − -A +  --A2 + o(t2)
            2     8

Example 2.5.2 Polar coordinate (r,θ) and orthogonal coordinate (x,y), we have

The mapping above f:(0,+)×(,)R2{(0,0)}C. Consider its Jacobi matrix


It’s determinant is r>0, meaning its linearly invertible. According to IMT, there exists a local inverse mapping of C.

Definition 2.5.3 Assuming U,V are 2 open sets in Rn. F:UV is a diffeomorphism of Ck if there exists an inverse mapping F1:VU of F and F1Ck.

Theorem 2.5.4 Assuming URn is open, F:URn is a mapping of Ck. Let V=F(U), then V is open in Rn and F:UV is a diffeomorphism of Ck if and only if F is injective and xU, F(x) is an invertible linear mapping.

Example 2.5.3 Assuming F:(0,+)×(0,+)R×(0,+) where (y1,y2)=F(x1,x2)=(x12x22,2x1x2). Prove that F is a diffeomorphism of C. See Figure 2.5 for the contour plot.

       2    2
==  4(x1 + x2) > 0

therefore F(x1,x2) is invertible. Then (x12x22,2x1x2)=(u12u22,2u1u2)(x12+x22)2=(x12x22)2+4x12x22=(u12u22)2+4u12u22=(u12+u22)2x12±x22=u12±u22x12=u12,x22=u22x1=u1,x2=u2

So F is injective. Therefore, F is a diffeomorphism.

Contour plot is very useful to visualize the correspondent relation, Figure 2.5 is another example.

Figure 2.5: Contour plot