1.4 Limit of mapping and function

Definition 1.4.1 Given f:ERp, x0 is the cluster/accumulation point of ERm (meaning for any δ>0, there exists xE subjecting to 0<xx0<δ). If for any ϵ>0, there exists δϵ>0 such that for any xE subjecting to 0<xx0<δϵ, f(x)A<ϵ, then limxx0f(x) exists and limxx0f(x)=A.

Definition 1.4.2 Given f:ERp, x0 is the cluster point of ERm. If for any M>0, there exists δM>0 such that for any xE subjecting to 0<xx0<δM, f(x)>M, then it’s marked as limxx0f(x)=+. Similar for and .

Definition 1.4.3 limxa,y+f(x,y)=A For any ϵ>0, there exists δϵ>0 and Nϵ>0 such that |xa|<δϵy>Nϵ|f(x,y)A|<ϵ. Similar for limx+,y, etc.

Definition 1.4.4 lim(x,y)f(x,y)=A For any ϵ>0, there exists Nϵ>0 such that (x,y)>Nϵ|f(x,y)A|<ϵ.

Theorem 1.4.5 If x0 is the cluster point of E, then limxx0f(x)=A is equivalent to that f~(x)={f(x)xE{x0}Ax=x0 is continuous.

Theorem 1.4.6 If x0 is the cluster point of E, then limxx0f(x)=A is equivalent to that for any {xn}E where limn+xn=x0 and xn, limn+f(xn)=A.

Theorem 1.4.7 Composition. If limxx0f(x)=y0, limyy0g(y)=A, and satisfies one of the conditions below

  • There exists δ>0 such that for any xE subjecting to 0<xx0<δ, f(x)y0.
  • g(y0)=A, or g is continuous at y0.

then limxx0g(f(x))=A.

Note Several notes for the limit.


The limit has nothing to do with the selection of the norm.


The computation of continuous mappings is true for the limit.


Theorem 1.4.6 is commonly used to prove that the limit doesn’t exist.


Theorem 1.4.7 could decompose the mapping into several simpler mappings. The following is to explain that limyy0g(y) doesn’t exist. Construct a continuous curve y(t) where limt0y(t)=y0 yet limt0g(y(t)) doesn’t exist.


lim =    lim   =    lim
      x→a,y→b   (x,y)→ (a,b)

Example 1.4.1


Seek L(a,b)=lim(x,y)(a,b)f(x,y) where E=R2{(0,0)} and

               3    3
f(x,y ) = exp(x--+-y-) −-1-
              x2 + y2
  • (a,b)(0,0). When (x,y)(a,b), x2+y2a2+b2>0, so f(x,y) is continuous at (a,b), i.e. L(a,b)=f(a,b).
  • (a,b)=(0,0). Here

             exp(x3 + y3) − 1    0
  lim    ------2---2------→  --
(x,y)→ (a,b)     x  + y          0

    So we could expand the numerator with Taylor series. Let t=x3+y3, then when t0, et1=t+o(t) meaning there exists δ0>0 such that for any |t|<δ0, |et1|2t. therefore |x3+y3|2x3<δ0. Notice that |exp(x3+y3)1x2+y20|2|x3+y3|x2+y22|x|3+|y|3x2+y24x3x2=4x<ϵ

    Terminally, for any 0<x<δϵ=min{ϵ3,δ023}, |f(x,y)|<ϵ, i.e. L(0,0)=0.



                    x+y+1                     x-+-y-+-1-
L =  (x,ly)im→ (1,0)(x + y)x+y−1 = (x,yli)→m(1,0)exp ∖lef t[x + y − 1 ln(x + y)∖right]

Let t=x+y1=t(x,y)0, here L=lim(x,y)(1,0)expf(t) where f(t)=t+2tln(t+1) and limt0f(t)=2, therefore L=e2.


Seek L(a,b)=lim(x,y)(a,b)f(x,y) where E={(x,y)|y>0} and

f(x, y) = exp∖lef t(− √---∖right)
  • (a,b)E, f is continuous at (a,b), i.e. L(a,b)=f(a,b).
  • a0,b=0, here x2a2>0. Let |xa|<|a|2|x|>|a|2, so

    x2--  --a2- ?               --a4--
√y--> 4 √y- > M  ⇔  0 < y < 16M  2

    For any ϵ>0, take M>max{1,lnϵ} and δM=min{|a|2,a416M2}, then for any (x,y)E subjecting to 0<(x,y)(a,0)<δM, |f(x,y)|<ϵ, i.e. L(a,0)=0.

  • (a,b)=(0,0), let x2y=α, here (t,t4α2)(0,0), f(t,t4α2)=eα, it’s related to α. So L(0,0) doesn’t exist.
Multiple limit
L(a,b) =    lim    f(x,y)
         (x,y)→ (a,b)

and repeated limit

Lxy (a, b) = xli→ma lyi→mb f(x,y),  Lyx(a,b) = liym→bxli→ma f(x, y)

Take f(x,y)=exp(x2y) as an example.

Theorem 1.4.8 Generally, assuming UR2 is an open set, (a,b)U, f is defined on U{(a,b)} satisfying that

L (a,b) = (x,ly)i→m(a,b)f (x,y),  Lxy (a, b) = xli→ma lyim→b f(x,y),  Lyx(a,b) = liym→b lxi→ma f(x, y)

all exist, then L(a,b)=Lxy(a,b)=Lyx(a,b). In another word, if Lxy(a,b)Lyx(a,b), then L(a,b) doesn’t exist.