Consider , several common symbols to mark the first-order derivative are
Given , one of the order derivatives of is
where . Totally there are derivatives. When , mark
as the Hessian matrix of at .
Theorem 2.4.1If all of the order derivatives of are continuous (marked as ), then the value
of mixed partial derivative has nothing to do with the order of taking derivatives.
ProofLeft as exercise. :)
Based on this theorem, if satisfies the properties above, all of the order derivatives of could be
expressed uniformly as
where .
Theorem 2.4.2
Assuming , then .
Assuming function , mapping , then .
ProofProved by mathematical induction with respect to .
When ,
meaning .
Assuming theorem is proved for , then for , , here
meaning , according to the inducting assumption . Theorem is proved.
Similarly. Left as exercise. :)
Example 2.4.1
In the orthogonal coordinate, assuming , mark
where is the Laplace symbol. Transform the equation above into the polar coordinate
For any , in polar coordinate system, we have
Since it holds for any , therefore
Given where . Prove that .
Firstly, we have where .
Notice that is derivable, meaning is derivable, i.e. has second-order derivative.
Here notice that is derivable, meaning has third-order derivative.