2.4 High-order partial derivative

Consider z=f(x,y), several common symbols to mark the first-order derivative are fx(x,y)=fx(x,y)=1f=f1fy(x,y)=fy(x,y)=2f=f2

Mark 2fyx(x,y)y[x(x,y)]2fxy(x,y)x[y(x,y)]2fx2(x,y)2fxx(x,y)=x[x(x,y)]2fy2(x,y)2fyy(x,y)=y[y(x,y)]

Given f(x1,...,xm), one of the kth order derivatives of f is

∂xik ⋅⋅⋅∂xi1

where i1,...,ik{1,...,m}. Totally there are mk derivatives. When k=2, mark

∖left(∂xj ∂xi∖right)i,j

as the Hessian matrix of f at x0.

Theorem 2.4.1 If all of the kth order derivatives of f are continuous (marked as fCk), then the value of mixed partial derivative has nothing to do with the order of taking derivatives.

Proof Left as exercise. :)

Based on this theorem, if f satisfies the properties above, all of the kth order derivatives of f could be expressed uniformly as

∂xm  ⋅⋅⋅∂x 1

where α1+...+αm=k.

Theorem 2.4.2


Assuming f,gCk, then λf+μg,fgCk.


Assuming function fCk, mapping GCk, then fGCk.

Proof Proved by mathematical induction with respect to k.


  • When k=1,

     ∂               ∂f                 ∂g
----[f (x )g(x)] = ---(x) g(x)+ f|(x)----(x)
∂xi             ◟∂xi◝◜-◞ ◟◝◜1◞  ◟ ◝◜1◞∂◟xi◝◜-◞
                   C0    C      C     C0

    meaning fgC1.

  • Assuming theorem is proved for k, then for k+1, f,gCk+1, here

     ∂               ∂f                 ∂g
----[f (x )g(x)] = ---(x) g(x)+ f (x)----(x)
∂xi             ◟∂xi◝◜-◞ ◟◝k◜+◞1  ◟|◝k◜+◞1∂◟xi◝◜-◞
                   Ck   C      C      Ck

    meaning xi[f(x)g(x)]Ck, according to the inducting assumption fgCk+1. Theorem is proved.


Similarly. Left as exercise. :)

Example 2.4.1


In the orthogonal coordinate, assuming u=u(x,y), mark

      ∂2u    ∂2u
Δu =  ---2 + --2-
      ∂x     ∂y

where Δ is the Laplace symbol. Transform the equation above into the polar coordinate system.

For any v=v(x,y), in polar coordinate system, we have vr=vxxr+vyyr=cosθvx+sinθvyvθ=vxxθ+vyyθ=rsinθvx+rcosθvy

Since it holds for any v, therefore r=cosθx+sinθy1rθ=sinθx+cosθyx=cosθrsinθ1rθy=sinθr+cosθ1rθ2x2=(cosθrsinθ1rθ)(cosθrsinθ1rθ)


Given f:MnMn where AA1. Prove that fC.

Firstly, we have f(A)(B)=(A1)(B):MnMn where (A1)(B)=A1BA1.

Notice that AA1 is derivable, meaning A1BA1 is derivable, i.e. f has second-order derivative.

Here notice that (A1) is derivable, meaning f has third-order derivative.

Terminally, fC.