5.3 Function sequence and function series

Definition 5.3.1 Assuming f,fn:IR(C), fn is pointwisely convergent to f on I if xI, limn+fn(x)=f(x), i.e. xI, ϵ>0, Nϵ(x) s.t. nNϵ(x), |fn(x)f(x)|<ϵ.

Definition 5.3.2 Assuming f,fn:IR(C), fn is uniformly convergent to f on I if ϵ>0, Nϵ s.t. xI, nNϵ, |fn(x)f(x)|<ϵ, marked as fnIf.

Theorem 5.3.3 Mark f=sup{|f(x)||xI}, then fnIflimn+fnf=0.



If fnIf, then fn is pointwisely convergent to f.


For uniform convergence, given ϵ>0, N>0 s.t. n>N, xI, |fn(x)f(x)|<ϵ, meaning fn converges to f synchronously at any x.

Example 5.3.1 Assuming fn(x)=xn, I=[0,1]. Then x[0,1), xn0,n+; x=1, xn=11,n+, meaning f is pointwisely convergent, and f(x)={0x[0,1)1x=1 fn is uniformly convergent to f on [0,a] for any a(0,1), since |fn(x)f(x)|=|xn0|=xnan<ϵn>lnϵlna Yet fn is not uniformly convergent to f on [0,1], since n2, take xn=11nn(0,1), we have |fn(xn)f(xn)|=11n12>ϵ. Another way to verify it is fnf=supx[0,1]|fn(x)f(x)||fn(xn)f(xn)|12 whose limit is not 0.

Theorem 5.3.4 (Uniformly Cauchy) fnIf if and only if {fn} is uniformly Cauchy on I, i.e. ϵ>0, Nϵ s.t. n,mNϵ, fnfm<ϵ or xI, |fn(x)fm(x)|<ϵ.

Proof is trivial. : Assuming fn is uniformly Cauchy on I, then xI, {fn(x)} is a Cauchy sequence, meaning there exists the limit f(x) of fn(x).

Notice that ϵ>0, Nϵ s.t. n,mNϵ, xI, |fn(x)fm(x)|<ϵ. Let m+, |fn(x)f(x)|ϵ, meaning fnIf.

Another method to prove it. ϵ>0, Nϵ s.t. n,mNϵ, xI, |fn(x)fm(x)|<ϵ; for the same ϵ>0, Mϵ(x) s.t. mMϵ(x), |fm(x)f(x)|<ϵ, so Nϵ, mMϵ(x)+Nϵ, |fn(x)f(x)||fn(x)fm(x)|+|fm(x)f(x)|<2ϵ meaning fnIf.

Boundness, continuity and integrability. Mark B(I)={f:IR is bounded} which is a linear space, f=supxI|f(x)|.

Theorem 5.3.5 Assuming fnIf, fnB(I), then


fB(I), i.e. (B(I),) is complete.


{fn} is uniformly bounded on I, i.e. M>0 s.t. n1,xI, |fn(x)|M.



ϵ>0, Nϵ>0 s.t. nNϵ, xI, |fn(x)f(x)|<ϵ, so |f(x)||fN1(x)f(x)|+|fN1(x)|<1+fN1, meaning fB(I).


nN1, xI, |fn(x)||fn(x)f(x)|+|f(x)|1+f meaning fn1+f. Therefore, n1, fnf1++fN1+f+1=M meaning {fn} is uniformly bounded on I.

Example 5.3.2 Assuming fn(x)={1x1nx1n0<x1n which is bounded on (0,1] and pointwisely convergent to f(x)=1x, yet fn is not uniformly convergent since f is not bounded on (0,1].

Theorem 5.3.6 Assuming fnC(I), fnIf, then


fC(I), i.e. C(I) is a closed set under uniform convergence.


Assuming IR is a bounded closed set, then C(I)B(I) is a bounded subset under .


Assuming IR is a bounded closed set, then {fn} is uniformly equicontinuous on I, i.e. ϵ>0, δ(ϵ)>0 s.t. n1, x,yI, |xy|<δ(ϵ)|fn(x)fn(y)|<ϵ.

Proof Only 1 will be proved. x0I, prove that f is continuous at x0. Notice that |f(x)f(x0)||fn(x)fn(x0)|+|fn(x)f(x)|+|fn(x0)f(x0)| ϵ>0, Nϵ>0 s.t. nNϵ, xI, |fn(x)f(x)|<ϵ. Since fNϵ is continuous at x0, so for the same ϵ>0, δϵ(x0)>0 s.t. |xx0|<δϵ(x0)|fNϵ(x)fNϵ(x0)|<ϵ. Therefore, |f(x)f(x0)||fNϵ(x)fNϵ(x0)|+|fNϵ(x)f(x)|+|fNϵ(x0)f(x0)|<3ϵ meaning fC(I).

Theorem 5.3.7 Assuming fnIf, fnR(I), then fR(I), i.e. (R(I),) is complete and If(x)dx=Ilimn+fn(x)dx=limn+Ifn(x)dx

Proof Since fnR(I), so fnB(I). Since fnIf, so fB(I). Assuming Dn is the set of discontinuities of f on I which is a set of measure 0. Take D=n=1+Dn, then xID, n1, fn is continuous at x. According to the proof of theorem above (not theorem itself), f is continuous at x, and the set of discontinuities of f on I is the subset of D. According to Lebesgue criterion, Dn are all sets of measure 0, meaning ϵ>0, |D1|<ϵ, |D2|<ϵ2 and |Dn|<ϵ2n1, so |D|n=1+|Dn|<n=1+ϵ2n1=2ϵ meaning D is also a set of measure 0. According to Lebesgue criterion, fR(I), and |Ifn(x)dxIf(x)dx|I|fn(x)f(x)|dxIfnfdx=fnf|I|0 when n+.

Theorem 5.3.8 Assuming fn,g:IR, I=[a,b] satisfying

  • fn(a)A, n+.
  • fnC(I), fnIg.

then fn is uniformly convergent on I, mark f=limn+fn, then fC(I) and f(x)=g(x), i.e. (limn+fn(x))=limn+fn(x)

Proof Since fnIg, fC(I), so gC(I). Notice that f(x)=A+axg(u)du,fn(x)=fn(a)+axfn(u)du hence, |fn(x)f(x)||fn(a)A|+ax|fn(u)g(u)|du|fn(a)A|+axfngdu=|fn(a)A|+fng(xa)|fn(a)A|N1(ϵ) s.t. nN1+fngN2(ϵ) s.t. nN2(ba)<ϵ+ϵ(ba)

meaning ϵ>0, Nϵ=N1(ϵ)+N2(ϵ) s.t. nNϵ, |fn(x)f(x)|<ϵ, i.e. fnIf.

Uniform convergence of function series and properties of sum function.

Definition 5.3.9 n=1+un(x)IS(x) if SN(x)=n=1Nun(x)IS(x), i.e. ϵ>0, Nϵ1 s.t. NNϵ, n=1Nun(x)S(x)<ϵ, i.e. xI, |n=1Nun(x)S(x)|<ϵ.

Theorem 5.3.10 Assuming n=1+unIS.


If un is continuous at x0I, then S is continuous at x0.


If unR(I), then SR(I) and In=1+un(x)dx=IS(x)dx=n=1+Iun(x)dx

Theorem 5.3.11 If unC1(I), n=1+unIT, and x0I s.t. n=1+un(x0)=AR, then n=1+unIS(x)=A+x0xT(t)dt where SC(I) and (n=1+un(x))=S(x)=T(x)=n=1+un(x)

Criterion of uniform convergence.

Theorem 5.3.12 (Cauchy) n=1+un is uniformly convergent on I is equivalent to that {SN} is uniformly Cauchy on I, i.e. ϵ>0, Nϵ1 s.t. nNϵ, p1, un+1++un+p<ϵ, i.e. xI, |un+1(x)++un+p(x)|<ϵ.

Weierstrass criterion for absolutely convergent function series.

Theorem 5.3.13 (Weierstrass) If nN0, xI, |un(x)|an, n=1+an is (absolutely) convergent, then n=1+un(x) is uniformly absolutely convergent on I.

Example 5.3.3 Assuming a series n=1+x2(1+x2)n, xR.

When |x|δ>0, we have 0x2(1+x2)n1(1+x2)n11(1+δ2)n1 So δ>0, the original series in uniformly convergent on (,δ] and [δ,+), meaning it’s internally-closed uniformly convergent.

The original series is not uniformly convergent on any set with 0 as its cluster point. un(x)=x2(1+x2)n takes the maximum at xn=±1n1, so un(xn)=1n1(1+1n1)n1ne Here un+k(xn)=1n1(1+1n1)n+k Therefore, k=1nun+k(xn)n1n1(1+1n1)2nn+1e2 meaning N0 s.t. n>N0, un+1(xn)++u2n(xn)12e2, so it’s not uniformly Cauchy, meaning it’s not uniformly convergent.

Dirichlet and Abel criterion for conditionally convergent function series.

Theorem 5.3.14 n=1+un(x)vn(x)IS(x) if one of the following sets of condition hold,

  • (Dirichlet) n=1Nun(x) is uniformly bounded, i.e. M0 s.t. xI,N1,|n=1Nun(x)|M0 vn(x) is monotonously decreasing with respect to n, and vn(x)I0 when n+.
  • (Abel) n=1Nun(x) is uniformly convergent; vn(x) is monotonously decreasing with respect to n, and uniformly bounded.

Continuous yet never-being-derivable functions.

Example 5.3.4 Weierstrass function. W(x)=n=0ancos(bnπx) where a(0,1) (indicating that it’s uniformly absolutely convergent, so W is continuous), b is a positive odd number and ab>1. Here W(x) is not derivable anywhere.

See Figure 5.3 another example of continuous yet never-being-derivable functions.
Figure 5.3: Continuous yet never-being-derivable function

Example 5.3.5 Prove that n=1+sinnxn=πx2 when x(0,2π).

Notice that (n=1Nsinnxn)=n=1N(sinnxn)=n=1Ncosnx=12sinx2n=1N2sinx2cosnx=12sinx2n=1N[sin(n+12)x+sin(n12)x]=sin(N+12)x2sinx212n=1Nsinnxn=πxn=1Ncosntdt=πx[sin(N+12)t2sint212]dt

where πxsin(N+12)t2sint2dt=cos(N+12)t(2N+1)sint2|xπ+πxcos(N+12)t2N+1d1sint2δx2πxM12N+1+M2|xπ|2N+1N+0

Let N+, we have n=1+sinnxn=πx2 on any [δ,2πδ], meaning it holds on (0,2π).

Example 5.3.6 n=1+cosnxn2 is uniformly absolutely convergent on R, and (cosnxn2)=sinnxn which is uniformly convergent on any [δ,2πδ]. Therefore x(0,2π), (n=1+cosnxn2)=n=1+(cosnxn2)=n=1+sinnxn=xπ2 Therefore, C(x)=n=1+cosnxn2=C(0)+0xtπ2dt=C(0)+x22πx4 Notice that 02πC(x)dx=n=1+1n202πcosnxdx=0 Hence, C(0)=π26, i.e. n=1+1n2=π26.