Definition 5.3.1Assuming , is pointwisely convergent to on if , , i.e. , , s.t. , .
Definition 5.3.2Assuming , is uniformly convergent to on if , s.t. , , , marked as .
Theorem 5.3.3Mark , then .
If , then is pointwisely convergent to .
For uniform convergence, given , s.t. , , , meaning converges to synchronously at any .
Example 5.3.1 Assuming , . Then , ; , , meaning is pointwisely convergent, and is uniformly
convergent to on for any , since Yet is not uniformly convergent to on , since , take , we have .
Another way to verify it is whose limit is not .
Theorem 5.3.4(Uniformly Cauchy) if and only if is uniformly Cauchy on , i.e. , s.t. , or ,
Proof is trivial. : Assuming is uniformly Cauchy on , then , is a Cauchy sequence, meaning
there exists the limit of .
Notice that , s.t. , , . Let , , meaning .
Another method to prove it. , s.t. , , ; for the same , s.t. , , so , , meaning .
Boundness, continuity and integrability. Mark which is a linear space, .
Theorem 5.3.5Assuming , , then
, i.e. is complete.
is uniformly bounded on , i.e. s.t. , .
, s.t. , , , so , meaning .
, , meaning . Therefore, , meaning is uniformly bounded on .
Example 5.3.2 Assuming which is bounded on and pointwisely convergent to , yet is not
uniformly convergent since is not bounded on .
Theorem 5.3.6Assuming , , then
, i.e. is a closed set under uniform convergence.
Assuming is a bounded closed set, then is a bounded subset under .
Assuming is a bounded closed set, then is uniformly equicontinuous on , i.e. , s.t. , , .
ProofOnly 1 will be proved. , prove that is continuous at . Notice that , s.t. , , . Since is
continuous at , so for the same , s.t. . Therefore, meaning .
Theorem 5.3.7Assuming , , then , i.e. is complete and
ProofSince , so . Since , so . Assuming is the set of discontinuities of on which is a set
of measure . Take , then , , is continuous at . According to the proof of theorem above (not
theorem itself), is continuous at , and the set of discontinuities of on is the subset of .
According to Lebesgue criterion, are all sets of measure 0, meaning , , and , so meaning is
also a set of measure 0. According to Lebesgue criterion, , and when .
Theorem 5.3.8Assuming , satisfying
, .
, .
then is uniformly convergent on , mark , then and , i.e.
ProofSince , , so . Notice that hence,
meaning , s.t. , , i.e. .
Uniform convergence of function series and properties of sum function.
Definition 5.3.9 if , i.e. , s.t. , , i.e. , .
Theorem 5.3.10Assuming .
If is continuous at , then is continuous at .
If , then and
Theorem 5.3.11If , , and s.t. , then where and
Criterion of uniform convergence.
Theorem 5.3.12(Cauchy) is uniformly convergent on is equivalent to that is uniformly
Cauchy on , i.e. , s.t. , , , i.e. , .
Weierstrass criterion for absolutely convergent function series.
Theorem 5.3.13(Weierstrass) If , , , is (absolutely) convergent, then is uniformly absolutely
convergent on .
Example 5.3.3 Assuming a series , .
When , we have So , the original series in uniformly convergent on and , meaning it’s
internally-closed uniformly convergent.
The original series is not uniformly convergent on any set with as its cluster point. takes the
maximum at , so Here Therefore, meaning s.t. , , so it’s not uniformly Cauchy, meaning it’s not
uniformly convergent.
Dirichlet and Abel criterion for conditionally convergent function series.
Theorem 5.3.14 if one of the following sets of condition hold,
(Dirichlet) is uniformly bounded, i.e. is monotonously decreasing with respect to , and
when .
(Abel) is uniformly convergent; is monotonously decreasing with respect to , and
uniformly bounded.
Continuous yet never-being-derivable functions.
Example 5.3.4 Weierstrass function. where (indicating that it’s uniformly absolutely convergent,
so is continuous), is a positive odd number and . Here is not derivable anywhere.
See Figure 5.3 another example of continuous yet never-being-derivable functions.
Example 5.3.5 Prove that when .
Notice that
Let , we have on any , meaning it holds on .
Example 5.3.6 is uniformly absolutely convergent on , and which is uniformly convergent on any .
Therefore , Therefore, Notice that Hence, , i.e. .